PMO was a solution for me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ngu, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. ngu

    ngu Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am lonely as hell, I just have some internet friends (two maybe), I am a social person but I don't have any friends at the same time. I can talk to anyone, I can talk to strangers and everybody knew me in the high school BUT I don't have friends, real ones.. to talk when I feel depressed or broken, they are there just to ask for help, talk with me just if their friends are not present. You know, I feel like I'm just an optional guy. I am social so I need to talk when I'm depressed and because of that was not achievable for me, I was doing PMO every time I feel lonely and depressed, but now I give up from doing that, I am in my 7th day and I don't really feel good. You know it was nice to pass like one-hour browsing porn website, it was a great thing to kill my time and distract my mind from thinking about my problems. I just get inspired by you guys who say that NoFap give them peace and allow them to control their own lives, so I decided to accept that challenge.
    I really look for another "solution" now but I don't find it yet, I tried meditation but it's boring and I couldn't still be committed to it. My biggest problem is that I am always overthinking everything, doesn't matter how small or big is it I will overthink about it, I can't stop my mind from thinking, especially about negative things. I really don't know why I'm writing this now but it gives me a small relief.
    Finally, I want to thank anyone who supports others and motivates them.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    rabbit1993 likes this.
  2. georgemcfly

    georgemcfly Fapstronaut

    I used to over think everything like you. Now I don't do that anymore, at least not like before. I got tired of my inner mind noise, I do not pay much attention to it if it is not neccessary. I know it is only distraction. It is not me, it is only a small part of me. Of course I still think things all the time, but to the limit of obsession. Obsession hurts.

    I think I am also depressed. Maybe because of getting older, maybe because of seeing how my wife has lost interest in sex, and maybe because other things that make life meaningless is many aspects.

    I feel very much different from people around me, there is not much interest in talking to others. Of course not a rutinary and useless talking. I am not really sure what I would like to speak about to others. There is big pleasure in just being by myself. Somedays I feel alone, but it does not hurt so much for the moment.

    I have started NoFap because daily porn and masturbation is making myself to have less energy. I need energy to make things, I need energy to feel better.
  3. Also an overthinker here but I do have great friends and am very thankful for that. Just want to say what helped for me to get friends. It does not happen out of nowhere. Because you're social I'd say just approach the people you like/talk to more often. especially if they also like one another, so you can try to join their friend group. This does not happen out of nowhere but if you start talking to one or two in their friend group and end up as better and better buddies, you will likely meet their other friends slowly and when you feel like it you can ask them to do something together, or you will get asked by them before. Worst thing that can happen is you don't click with the other guys but at least you will be able to give yourself a pat on your own back for trying, plus you might have earned at least one good buddy. No knowing where this will take you but I'd say it's worth a try
  4. I spend all of my teenage years and most of my 20s overthinking everything. As far as friends they have come and gone I don't put much stock in them been threw some rough times and they never seemed to be around but always wanted me around when they were having problems so I made a choice to ditch them and commit my time to myself doing what I want and treating my self well . Pmo was just a distraction I wasted time with when I was nervous angry or both now I just ask myself "what good things could I be doing for myself " here are some of them meditation, walking fixing up the house ,listing to good music, listing to my favorite comedy tapes, jogging , lifting weights taking healthy vitamins etc .Focus on doing good things for yourself it helped me a lot threw the dark times