Politically Correct Google Fires Man For Stating the Obvious

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by noonoon, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    That men and women are biologically different, and that this difference results in men being more predisposed to enjoy computer programming.

    Well, no shit.

    But, Google fires him for it. Because that is what the Left has become - intolerant, illiberal, religious zealots.

    And you read the news about this. It's such a joke. They say he's "divisive", "anti-diversity", "alt-right". It's all bullshit. Fake news. He's not. And anyone who reads the damn thing knows it.

    The best part about this is that it's so damn obvious. Just read the damn thing. He's clearly not what the left is making him to be. What the leftist news outlets are making him to be. It's so damn obvious that I think even the average American can see it.
  2. MonkG

    MonkG Fapstronaut

    I read it too. I start hating Google, the guy had an opinion and shared it
    Despite it being right or wrong. I guess now you can't even share what is in your mind. I feel sorry for our generation
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
    noonoon likes this.
  3. sstteeiinn

    sstteeiinn New Fapstronaut

    Yeah... When that broke out, I switched to Opera and started using DuckDuckGo. Google has been pushing some pretty extreme stuff for a while now (on YouTube especially), and this is too far.

    This guy did a really good video on it:
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  4. Political correctness has reached a new height or should I say actually a new low. Wow. Free speech doesn't exist anymore.
    noonoon likes this.
  5. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    What is troubling is how Google and leftists have become the "morality police". If you step out of line they'll get you. The plus side, people, is that it's becoming increasingly obvious how illiberal and intolerant (and often plan wrong) they are.
    Why, today you're considered a "hater" or "bigot" if you don't believe a man can become a woman through surgery and wishful thinking.
  6. Don't you mean more liberal rather than illiberal?
    Low likes this.
  7. sstteeiinn

    sstteeiinn New Fapstronaut

    It depends on how he's using the word. If he means it in the sense of a classic liberal, the far left is in fact no longer liberal.
    noonoon likes this.
  8. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    The computer industry has a very long history of sexist behavior in the workplace.
  9. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Sure it does. There are more men then women in the industry - that's all the proof you need. (That's the basis of modern leftist thinking - which is bullshit.)
  10. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    There are numerous examples of "bad boy" behavior but I doubt that will influence this thread so I'll leave it alone. The industry itself has acknowledged it has a problem in this area. Read any business publication including the Wall Street Journal which is hardly "leftist".
  11. sstteeiinn

    sstteeiinn New Fapstronaut

    Political correctness has seeped into most office jobs, so the industry calling itself sexist isn't saying much. Even if it were true, it wouldn't justify the topic at hand. The guy literally wanted more women in tech, and was suggesting ways to make it more accommodating to women.

    WSJ is not a reliable source. Not the worst, but they are writing hit pieces and pushing far-left agendas.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  12. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Are not both sides the self-appointed "morality police"? The conflict occurs when an individual doesn't agree with the "law" of this "morality police".

    To take the analogy of police further - I have no problem with gambling laws because I don't like to gamble. I didn't like the law when I was 20 because I wanted to drink and the law disagreed with me.

    If someone has a moral problem with trans folks, then they have a problem with the liberal morality police. If someone holds the opposite view, or is trans, then they have a problem with the conservative morality police.

    The real problem is the general attitude of blind allegience and intolerance that pervades both sides, and the way people put themselves in their little political bubbles only accepting information that they already agree with. Both sides are often wrong - politics are driven by humans who are by nature flawed.

    It's the team mentality that is destroying this nation. People who loathe someone just because they see a trump or a clinton sticker on their car. The fruit of this attitude is hate, instability, and conflict.
  13. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Yes. You're right in that both sides have their own moral foundations. BUT that doesn't then mean both sides are equally right or equally wrong. Far from it.

    So, i therefore disagree with you about what the "real" problem is. The left isn't merely another moral perspective. It's more like a religious cult than anything else, one which threatens and intimidates anyone who disagrees with it's tenants. The main difference is that they don't identify a "god" as cults used to...but they have one. Or rather, they have many. "Equality" for one.

    No offense, but it'd be better to actually look at the issue and see if you can't form your own opinion rather than merely dismissing it all based on "moral equivalence". One day you'll either BE one of them or BE the target of one of them.
  14. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    One problem with those who strongly identify with one of America's political "teams" is this notion that it is not a matter of opinion but one of fact. You and I are both Christian, I assume you believe in objective morality as I do. However - this nation is not Christian. If America was a theocracy then political right and wrong could be determined by scripture and some religious figure whose job it was to officially interpret that scripture.

    Since America is secular, there is no possible objective right and wrong. Our scripture is the constitution and our priests the supreme court. Even in matters of "science" such as economics there can be no mathematical surety of which policies are better, only theories. Also, there is the matter, such as in the case of google, of what should be the priority for this company? A workforce which emphasizes diversity or one which emphasizes productivity? There is no right or wrong answer to this question, only opinion, leftists tend to prioritize social justice while rightists tend to emphasize financial efficiency.

    I agree that this man shouldn't lose his job or be demonized for voicing his opinion. However, he knows who he works for and he flouted them, I'm sure he was not entirely surprised by the rucus he caused.

    Honestly, I couldn't bring myself to read the whole manifesto. What I did read seemed well thought out and it seemed to make some good points. But why is this engineer so concerned about this issue? Is it because his allegiance is to google and he wants to see it thrive or is it because his allegiance is to his politics?

    As for liberals being a cult that threatens or intimidates those who disagree.... you should meet my conservative in-laws.:)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
    Deleted Account, eiuclap and noonoon like this.
  15. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    I've definitely met some cultish Christians, so I know what you're talking about! Ugh. THey're the worst. But i don't fear them. I do, however, fear the cultish liberals. They're increasingly powerful, and increasingly fascist in their comfort imposing their beliefs on everyone.

    I agree this nation is not Christian per se, but it was founded on Christian values, on western values. This is what is at stake. I see the left abandoning it all, even natural law, in favor of something else...their God of equality.

    I realize this response is vague, but i don't have much time. I appreciate your response though. Good stuff!
    Spiff likes this.
  16. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I fear that dude that drove his car into the crowd in Virginia today.
    eiuclap and noonoon like this.
  17. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    True. But again, he's evil and is recognized as such by the media and american society in general. What is truly frightening is when evil is not recognized - as it is with much of liberalism today.
  18. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    A friendly reminder for everyone to remain civil towards one another so as to be an example for the rest of the community. Personal attacks are against forum rules. Please be respectful to each other.
    noonoon likes this.
  19. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    Wack jobs on the right wack jobs on the left both sides have them. What makes me annoyed is the fact that everyone is pathologically butt hurt about everything. I happen to say something that somebody doesn't like because it offends their way of thinking or politics or whatever and I'm just a racist, bigoted, sexist, xenophobic... etc. you get the idea

    Nobody can have an opinion without someone trying to censor you. I take that back you can have an opinion but it has to be the right opinion. at the university I attend some guy was walking around saying "free speech is hate speech" and all I could think was this guy is a moron

    What happens to the google employee was screwed up. Because he essentially got fired for having the wrong opinion. Thought policing at it's finest if you ask me. Am I surprised that he got fired? No I'm not look at the company he worked for Google which is obviously left wing (hate using that term but it's true) look at the major players in google and twitter and Facebook and you'll see they are all left winged people which operate these companies that got a hardon for censoring people for wrong think.

    Look, my personal belief is this. I will respect your position on issues even if I disagree with them, let's have an intellectual conversation about it thats fine and I'll defend your right to say and speak what you want. But don't you dare start going around and start being the thought police telling me I'm wrong because what I say or believe doesn't match your beliefs or your identity politics.
    Saskia Simone, noonoon and sstteeiinn like this.
  20. And with those two words you just lost all of your credibility.
    turquoise and noonoon like this.