Porn is all around us

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mr 10, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. Mr 10

    Mr 10 Fapstronaut

    I think the whole world can't help you quit PMO, and I really mean it, any movie or series that you watch has that scenes that turn you on and if you thought about it you would recognize that they are building a lot of drama around these scenes to make you feel like it's nothing or it's regular to see this stuff but really it's not, and we have many examples like game of thrones or black mirror "also the silly pranks that are based on touching or kissing girls in colleges or on the beach and people should watch and laugh as if this is really fun". The fucking fashion that every single girl think about it day and night, it's just shit, they are thinking how harder can they turn you on with new and creative stuff that the known pretty public figure would dress and the whole girls would dress like her immediately, Porn is just surrounding us and I really hate it.
    I wish my sentences can really illustrate what I'm thinking about right now and I'm sorry for being messy.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
  2. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

  3. Lel lad. Porn is not surrounding us. Rather substitutes, that can replace porn easily. It all comes down to one's perception.
    Mr 10 likes this.
  4. well temptation is currently all around us that's for sure. look away immediately. The first look is free but the second is the problem!
  5. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your post, I think I understand you completely. Your fighting not only the porn but the powerful people behind the whole mindset around this from the TV shows like GoT and love island to the fashion industry and beyond.

    We are basically being desensitised to all of this by them making it seem normal when it shouldn't be.

    Unfortunately, my opinion is that these things will only get worse over the years - just think about 20 years ago a show like game of thrones would have been considered disgusting.

    Don't despair though, have total conviction that the fight can (and cases have proved it has) been won!

    You need to shift your focus to one area - the fight against yourself (i.e. against your base desires). If you can master yourself none of these issues will affect you one bit because you will have the appetitive part of your brain under control.

    I would really recommend doing some basic research on the 3 parts of the brain (Upper brain - intellect, mid brain - deals with emotions like anger etc, and lower brain aka reptilian / appetitive brain which deals with your base desires - namely, food and sex). If you can master your lower brain using the upper brain, none of the these issues will phase you.
    Mr 10 likes this.
  6. Mr 10

    Mr 10 Fapstronaut

    That was literally my point, thanks for your advice I'll look it up
  7. Tell me about it.
    It’s everywhere
  8. Hi @Mr 10, all the best to you! If you want to join 'The Matrix' challenge click here ---> 'The Matrix' <---