Porn Is Triggering

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. I read a post on reddit that I wanted to share with the NoFap community. Hopefully, this helps someone realize the reality of porn. I can’t convince everybody, obviously. Reading this post helped me realize that porn is not healthy for me to consume. In fact, it’s detrimental to my mental health.

    Post from reddit:
    “Just seeing couples having sex so casually, like its nothing. Having sex for them is like me going to a grocery store. Just not a big deal at all, part of every day life.

    Imagine having that ability to find a partner... or even multiple partners in a week. Jesus Christ Its hard to live like this, no one should be this alone.

    I feel like there is this upper class society that has a whole new exciting life, where everyone is hooking up, having sex, having relationships, and im just disqualified from it.”

    Someone wrote a comment saying:
    “I feel u bro, haven't jacked off to a porn since a while because of this chest stabbing jealousy and inferiority.”

    I think we all should stop watching porn, it's bad for you. At least for me, it makes me feel terrible. I used to be totally addicted to it without realising and feel so much better when I don't watch.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2021
    swissarmyknight and CarP like this.
  2. Just relapsed to porn today. Going to leave this post to remind me of my addiction to porn.
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    There definitely seems to be a lot of guys that basically struggle to put more into their life, and go after what they really want in life, including myself.

    But then there is a lot of other guys that seem to be doing much better, and getting much more out of life.

    But I am not sure if this is completely down to porn use. I mean you get some guys that actually sometimes use porn, but they are also in a relationship, or chat to many women, get laid, hold down a job etc. Just more living a life that actually makes them satisfied and happy.

    But then you get other guys that like you said seem to be disqualified from some of the good things in life, that other guys seem to be getting so easily.

    I do believe what it comes down to is there is a lot of guys, including myself that simply struggle to go after what they really want, and struggle to build the life that they really want to live.