Questions regarding masturbation/NoFap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NoFap_FTW, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. NoFap_FTW

    NoFap_FTW Fapstronaut

    I am currently on Day 6 of not masturbating and not watching porn, but today I thought about masturbating very hard and masturbation didn't win its fight (meaning I didn't masturbate; it was only a thought).

    1: Do thoughts of masturbation - deep thoughts about it but you don't do the act of masturbation; does it count?*

    I know thoughts are natural and you can't control it, but I really don't want to masturbate because of my paranoid self thinking that deep thoughts of masturbation count?
    Can I still continue my streak because I didn't physically masturbate, I just thought about masturbation in my mind?
  2. Gasparzinho

    Gasparzinho Fapstronaut

    Of course you can continue your streak.

    Actually, you can sort of control your thoughts. You can't prevent them from coming to you, but you can choose not to follow them. When they come, focus on something else. With time it will become easier and the thoughts and fantasies that you find hard to disregard now will still come, but they will be easy to ignore.
  3. NoFap_FTW

    NoFap_FTW Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I will continue and will NOT let thoughts control me.