Quick hello

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bizot, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Bizot

    Bizot Fapstronaut

    I have been lurking in the NoFap community for a really long time (maybe 1 or 2 years), mostly via the Subreddit. I have decided to make an account here because I actually find Reddit is one of my triggers so I need an entirely separate online space for my NoFap activity.

    Although I have been aware of NoFap for ages, I never gotten above much more than a week or two streak in the past year. My motivation peters out very soon (when I stop physical excerise, when I am busy or stressed, or when I don't visit the online community as much, when have a beer or two and my will-power evaporates etc.).

    Anyway, I just relapsed and needed something to lift me up. I will set myself a 1-day aim for the next week and see how I do. My longterm aim is to completely replace fapping with more intellectually and physically stimulating activity (just reading a book or going for a run, for example). I would like to train to run a half-marathon, then a full one. You can't just give up an addiction and leave the hole open that it once filled -- you have to actively replace the addiction with something far more positive!
  2. All the best man. Good to see hear you are still kicking. With that determination you will win the battle.