Ready for a porn/fap free 2014 and beyond!!!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Faptimus Prime, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Faptimus Prime

    Faptimus Prime Fapstronaut

    Hello fellow fapstronauts!!

    I'm not sure what to say here but I'll just start with my story. I starting masturbating just like most men when I was a kid, I was probably around 8 or so, that's as far back as I can remember. Then there was my first porn magazine,.... then my first porn VHS... yes VHS.. it was the 90s LOL! :D By then I was probably hooked ( around age 12 or 13 ) But I had no idea that this was a bad thing.. I mean come on ( no pun intended ) it felt SOO good!

    Before I knew it the internet was there... we're talking 56K modems so a short clip of 15 seconds would take an hour to download but oh how it was worth it. Jump ahead a few years and DSL just took my addiction from 1 to 1000000000 All the porn you need at the click of a button. Jumping ahead a bit more I became really good at viewing porn and then covering my tracks. I grew up and became an awesome person. I'm outspoken, popular, I'm pretty smooth with the opposite sex. I graduated from college, met a beautiful woman and managed to be awesome enough to have her marry me. So what's wrong do you ask? Well, if things are this awesome... how much better can they be if I were to stop fapping? I can only imagine what damage I've done to my life and my connections by cleverly covering up this addiction. I don't have major ED issues, I do have the real sex ADD that you hear/read about..( have to keep my eyes open or down goes Frasier )So another reason I'm here is that I'd like to prevent even more serious ED issues.

    I believe I can be a better lover to my wife, and a better everything at all the other areas of my life. I would like to get back to that mind blowing person I was when porn was less available and real sex was exciting no matter what the circumstance. Now real sex seems boring, uncomfortable, and dull. I know this is just the porn addiction messing with my brain. So here I am... admitting I have a problem and ready to change it.

    I am inspired by the large numbers of fapstronauts out here changing their lives and I can't wait to be a part of the transformation myself!

    Lets go!!!
  2. challenge

    challenge Fapstronaut

  3. Faptimus Prime

    Faptimus Prime Fapstronaut

    Thanks challenge. This is officially end of day 2. I'm using the New year, like many others to track my progress... I hope that years from now I will be able to say noFap since 2013!
  4. You_Can_Do_lt

    You_Can_Do_lt Fapstronaut

    Welcome, impetous! Glad to have you with us and good luck on your journey!