Relapsed after 100+ days of no pmo

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by break-the-chains, May 4, 2015.

  1. break-the-chains

    break-the-chains New Fapstronaut

    Hey Fapstronauts,

    I must say that I've reached 100+ days of no pmo! and it feels amazing. I became a person that I wanted to be on this journey.

    But that new me was also my biggest fear. I was not used to feeling so free and get so many positive attention from other people. I was really connecting with other humans and felt a strong bond with them.
    The strong feeling from this power you get after you've reached the 90 days is more powerful than you ever imagine. I thought when I was on day 70 from no pmo that I almost got the most benefits, but I was wrong. The most benefits you get after 90 days.

    I could'nt handle my new self and relapsed 3 days ago and even today a couple times. It's really not worth it. Other people are feeling that I'm different when I was 100% clean than who I am now. They react in a different way and the healthy sexual tention between women and me is a bit lost.

    My advice for you fapstronauts is: Never think you've overcome your pmo addiction already even when you are far in your journey, because you must first control the enermous power you've get from stopping pmo before you get used to this power and you can use it the way you want. Keep working on the new you!
    SUB0 and KeenEye like this.
  2. next1

    next1 Guest

    Sorry to hear that you relapsed. Do you feel that you have wasted those 100 day progress or do you still think the benefits are there?

    could you please elaborate on the 100 day benefits? I'm not a non believver but I find them hard to imagine ;)
    thanks mate
    KeenEye likes this.
  3. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. I'm at 30 for the 2nd time and I was starting to feel like I was over it. Good to know that I always need to have some guard up and not get overconfident.