Relationship stress due to PIED

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by thebeginningofanewstart, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. thebeginningofanewstart

    thebeginningofanewstart New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. Thanks for being a part of this great community that I've stumbled upon in the last couple months.

    I've been having a lot of issues in my relationship when it comes to PIED and hypersensitivity. My girlfriend and I have been together since August of last year and she is incredibly caring and I am very lucky to have her. When we first began to explore sex together (both 18), for the first four months or so we could not achieve any intercourse at all due to what I thought was ED as a result of my phimosis. I've had a very tight foreskin since I was younger and the doctors thought nothing of it and assumed it would loosen as I got older. However, while it's definitely looser now thanks to active "use" and can be pulled back over most of the glans, it's still quite tight, making the head very sensitive in a painful way.

    My doctor, after ensuring PA would cease after a while, quickly offered a certain pill as a short-term solution, and for the time being, this has worked. It's added something back to the intimate part of our relationship, meaning we can have sex essentially whenever we want, but the tricky thing is that we still feel like we have to plan it out. It's ruined the spontaneity of sex and has put a lot of strain on us and our nights together.

    While I've learnt in all my PMO experience (around 7 years once or twice every day/every other day) how to make myself achieve orgasm very quickly in what can sometimes be 2-3 minutes by stimulating the head over the foreskin and stroking as normal, I can find it incredibly difficult to achieve orgasm during intercourse as the foreskin gets pulled back, meaning the head is out. This is okay as I enjoy the act of sex, but it's just not the best feeling most of the time. I can cum from it every once in a while, but sometimes my girlfriend is visibly disappointed when I say I can't.

    So, here I am. There's definitely a range of issues at play here, and while I can't say I was born with the perfect dick, I can definitely acknowledge that there is something I can do about it. I am going to see a urologist at some point in the near future just to make sure there definitely isn't any medical issue, as I think this would be silly to disregard the possibility of. But, in the meantime, I've made an account and turned on my tracker - no more porn for me! Sorry for the long post but I've wanted to get all of this off my chest for a long time. Hope you can all appreciate where I'm coming from.

    TL;DR - A mixture of PIED and hypersensitivity from phimosis has put a heavy amount of strain on my relationship - looking for support from you and myself!
  2. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Well, you just started. The first step is the one you needed to go, but the tests come later on when you really feel the urge or you get into the flatline. If your girlfriend truly cares for you, she will stick with you during all of this.
    And you can make it easier for her by become a masterful kisser, show her how much you appreciate her being supporting with some romantic actions like candles in a room when she comes to visit and roses on the bed, and you are just giving her a massage and then going down on her, making her feel amazing and desired.
    Doing something just for her without asking anything in return will make her want to stay and if she really likes/loves you, she will pay you back.

    Stay strong
  3. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    I agree with the above comment. The reason why the girl feels disappointing is because she might feel insecure that you don't find her satisfying and therefore cannot reach orgasm while having sex with her, but if you show that you really desire her by doing massages and oral sex to her passionately she will start to feel like you really desire her sexually. Also talk about the reason why this happens to you and she might understand better. You can also play with some toys and things if you want to spice it up a bit. Remember, lesbians don't have penises and they can still make their partners satisfied in bed if they do all this. So can you. (at least in the meantime, until hopefully the problem gets fixed)
    ReclaimedLife likes this.
  4. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut


    And NEVER underestimate a beautiful massage for both of you. Take turns doing them, and dont make it about time, just care for each other and show her how beautiful she is for you, and tell her what you like about her specifically.
    It's really powerful, no matter how beautfiful the girl is, everyone loves to hear it, especially when you are naked and vulnurable to the other persons words.
    Encourage her! Make her feel good about herself and you will get the rewards if she really cares for you : )