Repairing The Damage - Sharing My Story

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by SuchCauliflower9, May 14, 2020.

  1. SuchCauliflower9

    SuchCauliflower9 New Fapstronaut

    Huge wall of text incoming.I would like to share my story and feelings, for anyone who has any insights or wants to listen then I would love some honest discussion. It hurts me to admit, but I am pretty damn sure I have a problem with excessive masturbation and other compulsive behaviour that is in turn affecting me negatively. Any judgements good and bad are welcome but I really need some unbiased and honest feedback to help me get out of this shit.

    Some background info, I am 29M with a pretty normal background in terms of masturbation; started really young with magazines etc, got high internet access around the age of 15ish and it opened up a whole new world to me. I would edge regularly to porn for hours at this age and loved to reach massive orgasms. This became soemthing I would spend hours doing most every weekend with free time when on the computer. This was before smart phones and the like so my habit wasn't portable. I went through some very difficult and traumatic times as a teenager up until now, and while that's a completely different story, I've never had sexual intercourse as a result or any sexual encounters physically. Luckily, I've been getting help with this through therapy and fighting through a lot of heavy stuff about why I'm terrified of intimacy and why I hid away from physical contact with girls etc. I'm not a bad looking guy by any means, if anything I look after myself well, I stay active, I've lost ~40lbs this year alone and I have been caring for myself super well. My only real experience with talking to the ladies has been online or through dating sites, I've been able to hit it off with girls there and get compliments/asked to meet up, but I never followed through. So my issues are all psychological around why I've not been exploring that part of my life, however the fact I have not been has given me time to develop bad habits.

    I mentioned previously about only talking to girls on dating sites, well that in itself became something I could only get off with since porn got stale. Talking dirty with girls, sharing pictures/videos with each other and masturbating together with them became a huge thing for me, and while I know it is not the real thing it was so much more exciting than just porn use. I did this for years through my 20s, never met anyone, hid myself away due to my issues with trauma, but used that part of the internet as an outlet to explore my sexuality and as a release. When I was horny, I'd hit up some of the girls I spoke to for some dirty talk. I'd pore through profiles and match/chat with new people and the prospects of them flirting with me, me with them, and us talking dirty/on the phone etc excited me more than porn. It was all consentual fun and I paid no heed to it. It was so much better. I wanted so badly to put myself out there but I was damaged. Like I said, doing much better with that now, but still the negative effects of all of this are still hanging over me.

    My sexual compulsions and habits didn't alarm me until recently. I assumed masturbating to porn or with real people like I'd been doing was normal. I'd instinctively find myselfing going through the same porn sites/subreddits every night in bed, looking for the same things automatically, and masturbating to them. The dating site/hookup thing didn't die down either. I'd take breaks for a while but I would always get lonely or bored and want to have fun with someone knowing they'd enjoy it too, so I\d always revisit these apps to find new people to talk with. Also due to my issues with depression I've been taking anti depressants/SSRI medication on and off the last few years, which I hear in itself can also have side effects fuck up a lot of things for us guys.

    The scary part is, I only realised today I cannot get a hard on without reaching for my phone. I NEED some sort of visual stimulation. I tried telling myself this was normal, to look at pictures of naked women to get hard is fine, looking at other people fucking etc is all totally normal. Looking at porn to cum is fine. it? My boner subsides once I close my phone. As I mentioned earlier, I visit a couple of NSFW subs on a daily, multiple times, so seeing other people fuck, looking at naked girls etc is how I've been getting off for the most part the last few years, especially with the onset of mobile phones. The hard ons I do get are no where near as hard as they used to be when I was a teenager. My orgasms are weaker, my ejaculations are even way less intense in volume etc, cannot edge like I used to before. I find when I do masturbate, unless it's somehow phone sex/sharing naughty things with another actual person I find it so difficult to maintain an erection while touching myself, which is the scariest part as physical stimulation is even stopping my erections, and as I said earlier my orgasms are much weaker.

    I cried today as I have never felt so emasculated and ashamed. I'm at a stage in life where I am more comfortable with putting myself out there and I am ready to explore sex with a partner. That whole thing is exciting and very terrifying for me, however I am beyond scared I've done some unreparable damage to myself that will hinder my future relationhips or encounters with the opposite sex. I kept telling myself it is likely the meds, and honestly my issues with erections likely are. About 1.5 years ago I started heavy on the current meds I am on, and before then I was much less active, more overweight, more depressed and consuming just as much porn etc and I could get better boners/masturbate more efficiently. Do not get me wrong, I wouldn't be posting here if I didn't think I had compulsive behaviours revolving around porn etc, but I feel it is only one piece of the puzzle, and I am sure it is a huge piece.

    Tomorrow I am talking to my doctor about these issues and asking to be taken off my meds, as I am confident it will help, however I need help and insight from you guys too. My habits around my consumption of the content I mentioned and my habits around masturbating all seem very bad. I want to be able to get as turned on as I used to before, I am annoyed I can only get turned on by looking at certain sexual content, I am frustrated and annoyed and confused and angry and I don't know where else to turn. I feel like I am not a man, like I will not be able to please a partner. I've been working so hard on my physical and mental health this last year and changing my life around, so this is something I need help and insight with too.

    I am unsure if my issue is fully PMO,or a combination of 1/2 of them. Porn is definitely one, however I am unsure how to approach this. I am completely fine with abstaining, not sure on which I would have to abstain from. It's hard to approach as in the vein of meeting a partner and putting myself out there, I've currently starting "texting" a girl who I really like and we plan to meet up soon to give dating a shot etc. While I am happily abstaining from talkign to loads of random people for quick fun, at times me and this girl do get flirty and we like to play together, so I'm unsure if touching myself without orgasm is okay for this, either way I think my problem is multi pronged with relation to meds/bad habits, so please tell me there is hope for me :(
    Ὀρφεύς, DudeAlex and | Nico | like this.
  2. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Welcome to the community, thank you for sharing your story. :) glad you could join us, anything we can assist you with let us know, wish you all the best on your journey
  3. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

  4. hellofriend86

    hellofriend86 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your story. You are not alone. It is still possible for you to beat this!
    Ὀρφεύς and DudeAlex like this.
  5. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It sounds to me like you have a typical problem with PM, and like if you stop, you will feel a lot better. I hope you stick with this NoFap journey, as I know it will improve your quality of life and make you feel more like a man. You admit that you can only get aroused by pornographic images and video. This is definitely not normal; it is a symptom of porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED), which will go away when you stay away from PM.
    You can do this. I encourage you to keep trying. Get free from the trap of PM!
    Good luck!
  6. ASHAM

    ASHAM Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you are ready to start evolving past your comfort zone. GOOD JOB. I would continue to go along this path and explore intimacy one step at a time. Be patient with yourself, as for the SSRI issue. They can and often do cause sexual side effects I would talk to your provider about switching things up. However if you opt to stop taking your meds you need another cooping mechanism in place. Depression is a vicious little bastard, dont underestimate it. For relationships I would look into John Gottman he is an expert on long term relationships, there is a great special on YouTube for this purpose. Stay strong brother
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  7. Self-Actualized Men

    Self-Actualized Men Fapstronaut

    "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it." - Muhammad Ali

    Hey Man, thanks for sharing your story. Everyone on this website can relate to your situation in one way or another. Understand this, no you are not permanently broken and yes there is a way out and a path to a healthy and fulfilling sex life but it will take time, discipline, education and action.

    The very first thing you need to do is remain mentally tough and believe wholeheartedly that there is a way out and that you are going to be ALL IN to attain it. I'm going to walk you through what I've learned and where you can learn more.

    Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to rewire & reorganize itself. Meaning our brain are not permanently in a fixed state but are constantly changing. What you have essentially done over time is rewired your brain from naturally being attracted to real women to now being wired to become aroused by pixels on a screen and by your imagination of intimacy. This is neuroplasticity at work and what you will need to do is weaken this connection and begin to rewire your brain to be attracted to real women again.

    Porn Addiction & Side Effects:
    I highly recommend reading (Your Brain on Porn) which gets into this in great detail (I'm going to paraphrase the science here but highly suggest you look into this further) but essentially here is what is happening. You've flooded your brain with dopamine through consistent porn and masterbation over the years that your brain has become used to this super-stimulus. The consequences of this means that everyday pleasures become meaningless or don't even register within your reward system because the dopamine they produce is so low in contrast to this super-stimulus. Since your brain has adjusted to NEEDING A MASSIVE level of dopamine to feel aroused, reality begins to not measure up. (This on its own could very well be a major contributing factor to your depression).

    Novelty & Escalation is another factor at play here. As a new video or new online partner gets introduced into the picture for you your dopamine levels jump way up, this is novelty (This is why people watch so many videos in one sitting, because the constant new content hijacks our brains and gets us super aroused). Over time your brain adjusts to this and you may find yourself seeking out more hardcore material, strange fetishes, genres of porn that don't align to your sexual orientation or what it sounds like in your case other channels to explore (Porn Videos to, texting to live video masteration ect...).

    Side Effects (Not an Exhaustive List):
    • Lack of Motivation to Pursue Real Women
    • Social Anxiety (Timid around real life women)
    • Depression (Everything seems dull)
    • Erectile Dysfunction (Signal of arousal from your brain to dick has become weak & dependent on porn)
    • Delayed Ejaculation
    • Brain Fogginess
    • Mood Swings
    • Morphing Sexual Tastes (Hardcore fetishes new/disturbing material)
    • Objectifying Women (Seeing a women and immediately jumping to a fantasy of you two sexually without interest in any emotional connection)
    • Reality Doesn't Measure Up (A disconnect between your and your emotions. Porn always jumps to a sex scene and never focusing on the lead up and emotional connection which in real life is the most exciting part for most people) (Romance)

    What You Need To Do:
    1.) Immediately remove porn, masterbation, orgasm and any digital forums that provide sexual stimulation (No sexting, dating apps or even social media models) for at least 3 to 6 months to start (I'd recommend 6 months since its gotten pretty bad). Anything that is not a real life women, that is artificially stimulating your arousal circuitry needs to be cut off for a period of time. You have to let your brain heal itself and repair these damaged reward systems (Understand that this takes time and you will experience withdrawal symptoms). I highly recommend strictly sticking to this because what you will be doing is weakening these pathways that you have created for porn. After the 6 month marker start introducing sex into the picture to begin building newer and healthier pathways. Also during this time spend as much time as you can trying to build up the parts of intimacy that porn leaves out (The emotional connection to women).

    2.) Prepare for the withdrawals and write down in advance every reason why you WILL NOT CAVE when these craving come on. Take time to get educated on the withdrawal symptoms so you have the tools necessary to combat it. Find a trusted friend or join a support group that will keep you accountable. Block all porn websites from your phone, do whatever is necessary to limit your exposure and prepare for the rough waters ahead.

    3.) Get to the core fears. Porn in many cases is just a symptom of a larger issue (Maybe low self-esteem or self worth). It sounds like you've used porn as an outlet to manage stress so you'll need to get to the core of why you turn to porn in the first place. Its not uncommon for people to eroticis trauma. (For example someone with a verbally abusive, controlling and manipulative mother may develop a femdom fetish where they aroused by hardcore verbal degradation). We eroticis difficult circumstances to help us cope through it and process it, and if we don't get to the core (Such as low self-worth) and begin remedying those issues, these unhealthy attractions can become routine and even grow stronger as we feed them with Porn and the never ending sea of content of the internet.

    4.) Mind, Body, Spirit. Mind = Intellectually understand and have clarity into what is going on/why you turn to porn (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Journaling & Reading). Body = Emotionally embody these insights and the desire to change (Get your body on the same page as your mind) (Meditation, EMDR Therapy & Somatic Therapy). Spirit = Have a relentlessly tough minded attitude that you are going to take your life back no matter what and get excited about it. See this as a challenge and get energized for what is ahead. Be ALL IN to make this happen.

    Over time you will begin to recondition your brain and due to nueroplasticity will actually begin to make physically changes to its structure. Keep working with your therapist and ask him/her on ways your can begin to disentangle this addiction. Many men have overcome this and we're all on this journey together brother. Keep working.

    Your Brain On Porn - Gary Wilson
    The Brain That Changed Itself - Norman Doidge (Chapter 4 Talks About Sexual Plasticity)

    Get excited about this man you're literally about to change your life. For the first time in your life you're about to find out what your sexuality really is like and who you really are independent of Porn. You'll be amazed at all the ways it was hindering your life once you become more aware of its insidious effects. You're not alone & you can and will if you want it bad enough get to a point where you have a healthy, fulfilling and satisfying sex life.

    Keep fighting & good-luck!
  8. Hi, I am new to this site and I don't have a great deal of insight into these issues. However, I do know that our problems cannot be addressed until they are acknowledged, so speaking as openly and candidly as you have must be valuable in itself.
    Take care.