Semen retention

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by dth23, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. dth23

    dth23 Fapstronaut

    Hi, new here. I’d like to practice semen retention. Reasons being. Need more energy, decrease anxiety. But my fear is that I will be obsessed, consumed daily with sexual thoughts and desires to watch porn. Any advice on how to begin this journey? Thanks
    Son of Arathorn and NICEDUDE like this.

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    One of my monk mode streaks lasted for 100 days few months ago. If you are retaining your seed and striving for self.improvement, you are very unlikely to be obsessed with sexual thoughts. You need to identify major goals of your life and take deliberate action to achieve them. Even if you are retaining semen you may watch porn occasionally. Do not strive for perfection. Relapsing is inevitable. Progress over perfection and do not forget to love yourself. Self compassion is critical whenever you fall. @Son of Arathorn I would request you to share your wisdom as well!
    becomingreat and Son of Arathorn like this.
  3. Well done on the 100 days @NICEDUDE. This is a great achievement.

    For folks on this thread who don't know me (I inhabit the 40+ section) I did c2years on monk mode. Basically the best thing I have ever done in my life (I really mean this) - no PMO at all, complete semen retention. Incredible personal transformation. I was saved from PMO hell - I believe permanently.

    I had zero adverse effects, had my prostate checked out afterwards by a medical doctor (all tests, it was perfectly healthy), had no effect on my fertility (I can prove this), but the benefits were immeasurable. It's all in my journal. Just an incredible experience.
    NICEDUDE and becomingreat like this.
  4. p.s. regarding sexual obsession etc. the big issue I think is when you are going into the unknown, this itself causes stress which then of course leads to PMO. But in reality it isn't the unknown. Some of us have done over a year on total semen retention (except wet dreams, that really are natural). The benefits are real.
    NICEDUDE likes this.