Should I go to a legal brothel to get more experience

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by superstorm250, May 31, 2022.

  1. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    I live close by Nevada, where prostitution is legal at state licensed brothels. I occasionally check the brothel websites to see what girls are there and in 2019, I came across an escort who was actually pretty cute and one of her specialties is adult aged guys who are inexperienced. For those of you that haven’t seen my other posts where I’ve mentioned it, I’m almost 29 and have never been in a relationship and my only sexual experience is one hookup 5 years ago and oral with another girl 2 years ago.

    After I came across her, I became very tempted to contact her and make an appointment to see her at the brothel. Especially because she said that she has no problem telling inexperienced guys what they’re doing wrong in bed and will give honest feedback and she’ll also go on a practice date with you in order to help teach you how to act on a date since the brothel has a bar and restaurant to do that at. Then the pandemic happened and she left that line of work, but just last night I discovered that she got back into it as the pandemic has eased, so once again I’m tempted.

    That’s why I’m interested to hear what you guys think I should do, especially because I’ve always felt self conscious about my inexperience. If I do go through with it, I think I’ll end up doing the girlfriend experience since that’s the service she mentioned is the best for inexperienced guys and I’ll probably book an overnight visit with her since I’ve never spent the night with a girl and it would be nice to do that, even if its with an escort. I might do it if most of you guys think I should. But I’m also wondering if I should just use dating apps to get experience instead, especially since that’s free and with regular girls.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  2. Prostitutes?

    Facepalm Lion.jpg
    Pornscars, Kingfisher and D_rax like this.
  3. D_rax

    D_rax Distinguished Fapstronaut


    Your a free man, and I won't encroach on that freedom.

    But if you're genuinely looking for advice, mine is that there is no good reason to pay for sex.

    I would recommend you take time to work through your dreams/goals.

    What do you want out of life?

    If you just want to live your life high on debauchery and dopamine, then maybe a brothel lines up with your goal. (But it would make me wonder what you're doing here?)

    But, if one of your sexual goals is to fall in love with someone and spend your life with them (which is the case for lots of people; again, maybe not you), then fuck "experience" going into that.

    Love is largely about learning each other... Psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

    "Experience" with a prostitute isn't going to help you in learning to truly love. It'll honestly hinder more than anything. Especially if your partner doesn't perform the way you "experienced" after you paid for a professional. Your future partner is going to need to learn you too, remember.

    I honestly can't think of a scenario that paying for a sex worker could happen out of a place of authentically expressing your true self.

    Again, if that's not your path, then I'm not going to stop you .

    It depends on what you want.

    If you want love (even eventually), then brothels will not help you with that.
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
    Kingfisher and Roady like this.
  4. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

  5. No, brothels are always a very bad idea.
    Roady likes this.
  6. MarioCorrelos

    MarioCorrelos Fapstronaut

    When I was 2 years younger than you I was still a virgin, and I decided to save up some money to initiate myself with an escort. But when I finally gathered the amount I had initially set as a goal, I dismissed the option. Don't ask me why but it didn't feel right.

    I'm not going to tell you to do it or not, that's up to you. Just to let you know that I know how you feel and totally get why you are considering this as a option..
    Zachary8 and Roady like this.
  7. Mazda647

    Mazda647 Fapstronaut

    It's your choice.

    My view is no. I'm getting married later this summer. She and I have yet to have sex. When we marry it'll be two years since we started dating. Take the time to get to know her. While sex is a part of a relationship, it only one part. I can see going to a prostitute as being another form of masturbation. There's no real connection. While I've never gone to a prostitute, I have had sex a few times with a woman I had no real connection with. Essentially, it was masturbation using her vagina. The only thing missing was all the porn, though it would have been in the back of my mind.
    thatcactusguy likes this.
  8. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    I lost my virginity to an escort at 17, addicted to porn and unable to think straight it actually became a habit for me, to be honest it felt good at the time for me, but now its something that I remain deeply ashamed of. It wasn't until my late 20's that I eventually ended up getting a girlfriend and I always regret not just waiting for it to happen naturally.
  9. I live in Nevada and had asked a similar question like this and if I remember correctly I got the same answers you're getting here. The question would float through my head for a long time but thankfully their responses put things into perspective for me. My value doesn't decrease just because people say so...I shouldn't feel less of a man just because I haven't experienced the same things they have!
  10. You're already talking about a specific person and a 'girlfriend experience', so in a way you're falling for her the more you think (and write) about her But she will not be your girlfriend-it's all based on money. I say no.
    Build your life and put that money in savings or spend it on things that genuinely help you grow.
    D_rax likes this.
  11. The only experience escorts provide you with are:
    • Poor financial managment.
    • Degrading interactions.
    • Disappointments.
    • Itches.
    D_rax likes this.
  12. Jrmz94

    Jrmz94 Fapstronaut

    The only bad thing about brothels is how much they try to rip you off. Ive been to Sheri's ranch once, Ngl I had an amazing sexual experience with the courtesan but it was pretty expensive...ever since that experience I always wanted to go back but I didn't because of money. I say go for it but don't make it a habit.
  13. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    I’ve heard of Sheri’s Ranch, the escort in question used to work from there, but she has since moved next door to the Chicken Ranch. How much was it though, because I was just reading something online that if you want an overnight stay with a courtesan, it can cost like 10K and that’s definitely out of my price range.
  14. [He said: go to a hooker who 's having sex with different man all her life.
    Go visit her and "try" her out. Listen to your porn brain and in stead of using porn you act out your lust in real life.

    He said: go for it, go for the next level in your addiction.....

    Go for it ....
    ...... but don't make it a habit .......]

    Facepalm Lion.jpg
    thatcactusguy, D_rax and Kingfisher like this.
  15. D_rax

    D_rax Distinguished Fapstronaut

    The face-palming lion has a point.
  16. Morior Invictus

    Morior Invictus Fapstronaut

  17. No. You don't need experience. What you need is a hard mode reboot, and shift your mind off of sex for a while.