Shout Out to all Relapsers !

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Furozima10, Nov 26, 2022.

  1. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Stop relapsing ! Whats wrong with you guys?!
    Wake Up !
    Why are you Watching Porn and Jerking Off? Do you think that Life is about that?

    Don't PMO ! I know that Girls on Porn are tempting but guys honestly, aren't they just Fucking pixels? They don't even Exists ! You're literally Jerking off to Pixels !!! P I X E L S !
    How can a normal human being jerk off to pixels? I mean if they were real, that would be good but they aren't, so you need to stop. Are you guys this dumb to let the Devil tempt you with some freaking pixels that are inexistant ?

    Don't you have enough balls to take a scissor and cut your internet cables? you prefer to ruin your mental health and body with porn?

    If your demon always win I think it's time to give up on Internet, and cut this fuckign cables that brings Demon inside of your house.

    The solution is as simple as it is.

    The only way for pussies who can't give up is to go mid-age and cut off Internet and technology and to go hunt like real mans, and bring food to their families.

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022
    Newbie Jasper, sam30, jonibk and 3 others like this.
  2. Agreed.

    “Don't you have enough balls to take a scissor and cut yourinternet cables? you prefer toruin your mental health andbody with porn?”

    Quote from above. This is what needs to happen for many.

    That would help a lot of us. I had to have my internet restricted. Still do and always will
    Furozima10 likes this.
  3. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    The key is to not look.
  4. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    Well, this post is made using internet. I know you are writing for good though. We all need to realize this and not f to pixels.
  5. Mine is restricted so this is the only website I can access on my phone. It works really well
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  6. Last Resort Report

    Last Resort Report Fapstronaut

    Everything! I'm caught in a relapse-loop. Even if I'm not I'm just clean for a couple of days maybe weeks until the next relapse or relapse-loop. Regretting, posting on the forum and staying clean for a bit is part of my addiction behavior.
    Actually I'm not recovering / rebooting with occasional relapses, I'm relapsing/using with occasional pauses. My addiction has me fiercely in its grip, even if its not forcing me to use daily.
    Yes! I need to wake up. Take full responsibility. Do my best daily, without expecting perfection at all, without giving up so quickly. I need to stop wining, distracting myself, overthink and shit myself mentally all the time. I need a wake up call and I'm too old to postpone this longer. I already wasted so much but I can still save my soul if I man up now.

    Well, so much jerking of, fantasizing and f*cking up my mind by watching porn and playing p-games IS ACTUALLY giving me the illusion that life would be about that. I'm only fantasizing about real sex and I'm not even sure if I want that or if I want to avoid that. Basically porn has made me "porn-sexual". I can still wank without it (well only using porn fantasy in my head) and I might not have ED, but I've given up on dating or impressing girls completely. (Although I would probably have some chances with females I know, if I would only try).

    Thank you for reminding me! This is simple truth but it's hard to actually comprehend and use for our lives, because life is so full of illusion. As a matter of fact I can get aroused by pixels and pixels can make me break boundaries and behave in sick ways. However, it helps to look for the pixels! I need to see the pixels and what the pixels do to me, instead of falling to the illusion. I need to cut through the illusion. My mind needs to become like a sharp sword. I think I'm a tired samurai in a cave. Beside me lays the sword, but it has become blunt. Yes, getting older I realize how important my mind is and its capabilities and potential. I still have a healthy body and I should train it too, but age will degenerate it with time and already I can't compete with healthy males which are much younger. The mind needs to be polished and sharpened. And when it's not also my body will just rot ...

    Furozima, that has been my approach for a long time. I even cut cables at first but then went to use online time safes for my wlan-password. But lately I hold up the illusion that I can use wlan again in a usefull way, while seeing that I actually do everything other than that. Like a stupid boy I just watch youtube and movies again, surf for meaning and jerk away the pain.
    Living with the handicap of not having internet at home is (was) much much better!

    I needed some time to understand this, although it's actually simple. It's not even an analogy, you don't say "hunt animals". I just should go hunting in the real world. Yes, that makes sense. And support my family and when I'm in a better place I should hurry up to get a wife and have kids with her, so that I'm contributing to my family and society. And even if I stay single I should contribute and not complain.
    ... Instead of f*cking online, jerking my life away.

    I wanted to answer those questions and so I did. My other thoughts I put in a spoiler because I may have gotten ahead of myself. After ranting and writing my "conclusion" I realize that I have to work on those questions and my answers on it. I need to work my mind and reprogram and see results. I can't accept an "I can't" and I can't accept just words without action. I can't accept me going on. I need to wake myself up. HEY M*TH*RF*CK*R, WAKE UP! DO SOMETHING!
    F*CK all those internet trolls and memes, porn and anti-porn, all the wise guys who tell you shit and talk about society. F*ck all those lefties, rights and alt-rights, all those self-proclaimed educaters, gurus, narcisstic philosophers, all those intention w*ores, TIME-THIEVES !!!

    And yes, I've been one of those assholes that only takes takes takes. I want everything free and I nearly ever give back. At least that's who I am online.
    I'm done.

    Of course there was also grace, calm beauty and interesting, mind-blowing, think-provoking inspirations. And so on.
    I'm grateful for that, but I'm done.

    I think the challenge is, to stop and quit most of it completely but not everything. More like keeping the meaningful 0,1 % involvement. That could be done - a complete change but still being yourself and participating, staying involved.
    The other option would be to forcefully change your life completely in a way that the cards are reshuffled but even then you may be dealt the same cards again ...

    EDIT: Looking forward and will be grateful for all hints and ideas! :)
  7. KetchupDrool

    KetchupDrool New Fapstronaut

    I get what you're saying; I find this post rather amusing though. Yes, I'm new here, but I'm not new to "pixels". No matter what genre they are more than mere pixels. Let's be honest, they DO exist, or there would be no pornography and porn is more than generated "pixels". There would be no addiction to pixels that are inexistent. I'm not wanting to be argumentative at all, we're all in this battle together.

    The solution is not as simple as cutting ties to the internet. Everyone's "solution" looks different. This is a chemical imbalance, porn has hijacked your reward system and altered it.

    Really, degraded to name-calling now because of an addiction? Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox and return to watching the World Cup. May everyone find success via their own way.
  8. Not even at women IRL