So here I am...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Diffidence, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Diffidence

    Diffidence New Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I'm a porn addict. I'm not proud of it and I didn't realize that I had a problem until about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Long story short, I was first exposed to the stuff by a friend at the age of around 7 or 8. I'm 22 now and I've casually used it since I was first exposed to it but the last 3 months have been incredibly bad. I'm afraid that it's going to ruin my life somehow and that it is controlling me. I cannot keep away from it. I'm tired of crying, feeling shame, and having so much self-hate about myself for days and weeks for mere momentary pleasure. I relapsed this morning after 3 days of sobriety. I feel incredibly weak and powerless. I even stayed home from class today just so I could do it. Between suicidal tendencies, Social Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and so on, I just have enough problems. I need serious help. I haven't had any piece of mind in MONTHS! I'm fed up with feeling like some disgusting animal. I'm thinking about doing one of these challenges but it's so horribly hard, especially the first few days of completely abstaining. Anyway, thanks for reading.
  2. ALPHABat

    ALPHABat Fapstronaut

    Yes, IT IS VERY HARD. I agree with you, there's no denying in that. I've failed many times but I never give up. This is the secret to success- Never give up. Just keep fighting. Fight the temptations to watch porn or masturbate. Indulge in some other, productive activity. Have you ever thought about joining a gym? It's amazing! You will feel great. It helps in reducing stress, increases confidence and makes you feel better about yourself.
    I strongly advise you to practice meditation EVERYDAY for atleast 10 minutes. I do it before bed. Just plug in your earphones and play some meditation music on YouTube and just relax.. it's going to be boring and hard for the first few days but soon you'll fall in love with it. You will find yourself. All your fears and anxiety will be gone. Meditation also builds discipline so it will help with NoFap aswell! Give it a try.
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