Some thoughts.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. It's interesting how young girls give shit about your money. I have come to officially conclude, younger girls, atleast until 23-24 don't give a rump about your career about how much you make, etc. It's only one thing with them. How good you look, how smooth you look, how confident are you. It's all about physical attraction. This is why I find my 'actual' competition are these younger boys who are capitalizing on their looks and testosterone. Ofcourse, they are oblivious to the beta bucks aspect. Partying first has its consequences.

    I think money comes into picture only once a chic is thoroughly gone through the nature of reality, where they finally realize it's importance, and I don't see that happening until atleast about 25 at the earliest.

    younger girls give a R's rump about your money!
    JustinX likes this.
  2. RecoveringInIsolation

    RecoveringInIsolation Fapstronaut

    3 questions that straight away spring to mind:

    How old are you?

    If this is accurate, how does this make you feel?

    Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?
  3. Well it doesn't induce any feeling. I'm just an objective observer. I dedicate a certain portion of my time to studying girls. In return I get 'insights' that help me adapt my game, adapt my approach. I'm pretty confident I can go well with girls from any age bracket, leaving those who are out of my league of course.

    Girls tend to go through phases. Younger girls are immature, and if they possess physical attractiveness they tend to be quite arrogant. Not just that, if people would only let me talk more, females are clearly divided into those who are more feminine and more masculine. Honestly, if you are more on the masculine spectrum, sporting a lot of testosterone and aggressiveness, you will have a hard time adapting to these 'masculine' girls. When you say women, it doesn't necessarily mean they will sit there quiet and follow your instructions like a good wife. Well of course there are those types there, but not everyone. There have been days where I have been uber masculine, rough and aggressive, during these times I noticed, I was repelling certain types of girls and attracting certain types.

    I also have this notion. Females do not necessarily marry a guy because she likes him. No. They may do it keeping their current necessity in mind. I don't know if that bothers anyone, but to me that does.

    Anyways, this post was more of a reflection, a journal, a reminder to myself that I should better not neglect my looks. Game is not everything. Money is not everything. Looks matter, and fortunately I believe I have it. Just that somewhere down the line i stopped indulging in looks. I always found that little too narcissistic and a way of life where you suck attention towards you over putting it out there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2023