Something to think about

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. I was curious and googled around a little. For some reason I tought people where mastrubating more. I found a study from 2009 showing that 65% of women mastrubate monthly or less. The same number for men where about 34%. On the other hand, about two thirds of all men in the ages 20-24 masturbate at least a few times a month.

    That means Im different than about 65% of men by quitting mastrubation.

    Then I found something interesting about porn. 68% of men watch porn at least once a week. The number for women is 18%. Well, this is weird. So a lot of guys are watching porn regularly without getting off? It would be interesting to see some stats about the porn and masturbation combined.

    I think it is safe to assume that hardmode makes us stronger than the 80%.

    But PMO is one thing. There are tons of other stuff out there killing our productivity.
    I found statistics about average screen time across the globe. The average in the US is at about 7.5 hours a day. This is average numbers! We are addicted to our screens. About 16% spend 15 hours or more a day online. In other words: The average person would have spent 9 years watching television alone, then a coupple more years on the internet.

    Then we have the alcohol. 25% of people aged 18 or older are binge drinking in a month. About 7% are heavy drinkers ( drink 5 cups of alcohol or more on 5 occations during a month).

    About 20% of young people use tobacco in one form or another.

    About 40% of the worlds population are overweight, 1.9 billion people. I guess this counts as food addiction.

    Then we have sugar addiction. I dont know how many people are addicted to sugar but the worlds sugar consumption have increased by 1700% since 1822. Sugar can lead to a long list of medical conditions including fatigue, depression, insomnia and cancer.

    About 20% of americas population drink at least three cups of coffee a day. Too much caffeine can produce mood swings, insomnia, increased tension in the muscles, and also impair your digestion and nutrition absorption.

    2/3 of western people isnt drinking enough water.

    40% of americans get less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep

    80% of americans dont get the recommended daily amount of exercise

    I did probably forget a lot of stuff but I think this is a good start. I get a little motivated by looking at all these numbers. Do you want to be one in a million? Then start looking at your habits. Start changing them one by one and focus on moving forward. Before long you will be a total badass. You will be among the top 99.9999% of men.
    Kurapika 2 likes this.
  2. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    This culture is not doing so well. Hasn't for some time.
    Kurapika 2 likes this.
  3. ryantaylor1996

    ryantaylor1996 Fapstronaut

    These are really scary statistics aggreed... But let me just say that over 90% of everything we do in out life's is unhealthy for us in some way, you can't live a perfect life, trying will only lead to depression

    Stay focused mate :)
  4. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Nofapsincebirth related that a 2009 study showed that "about two thirds of all men in the ages 20-24 masturbate at least a few times a month," and that "68% of men watch porn at least once a week." He then concluded, "Well, this is weird. So a lot of guys are watching porn regularly without getting off?"

    Not quite! I think that most of the one-third who masturbate less than "a few times" per month are having regular sex with partners, which means that most of those who masturbate less than they watch porn are indeed "getting off." Many partners (of whatever orientations) watch porn together before doing what they do.

    I believe that those of us who actually do not masturbate (or are working toward that goal) are a truly elite corps!