Soroity girls

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Tell me why girls drink the complete opposite of me? I'm a beer drinker at heart, been drinking nice quality beers since 5th grade. High school I found my deep, deep admiration for whiskey. Rum is high up there, but whiskey is my shit. Jack Daniels or cpt morgan 100 proof all the way!

    Well chicks don't like those really. 95% would prefer a cheap vodka or wine. Ive drunk vodka more times than I can remember and nothing goes well. I just throw up for hours.

    I've been drinking more wine when they do and I'm not gonna lie, red wine is lowkey dank. I hate cheap alcohol but that frantic boxed red wine is dope.

    I always keep a bottle of wine and/or vodka when chilling w soroties girls. I hate it though, I've tried giving them jack daniels and they gag.

    The only other girl I gave JD too was this one chick but she's kinda savage. Plus,she almost threw up. So I don't understand. Even mixed with cocacola its the same.

    Soroity girls aren't that great bc they just don't give a fuck. I'm also drunk, drinking whiskey rn so idk how reliable I am. I am usually correct on public forumns such as this, however. So take that as you will..
  2. I fucking love some of them though.. so, there's that.
  3. What's wrong with wine or something that isn't so strong? I hate the taste and feel of JD and don't understand why people drink hard liquor, but I also don't drink to get drunk either.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I don’t under stand why people drink beer and wine, it’s just a bunch of empty calories, carbs and sugar. Plus you need to drink a lot of it to get a buzz. Hard liquor gets straight to the point, you barely have to drink anything and it doesn’t make you fat.
  5. Red wine is actually really good for you, but I also don't see any point in hard liquor whatsoever. Why the bloody hell is it just apparently about getting drunk?
  6. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Uh... I drink tequila.
    And wine.
    Never from a box... Only good shit.
    And rum, only if it's clear.
    Always from a glass too.
    Everyone is different.

    I will speak to college...
    When you are in college you drink to get drunk.
    That's it.
    Men and women do this differently.
    I have never seen a person in college, on campus actually appreciate a drink or tell you a damn thing about what they are drinking.
    They have no alcohol etiquette.
    This is seen by the countless shot after shot downed at parties.
    It's literally for the experience.

    Just like you said you liked whiskey but I bet you didn't know that Jameson was started in 1810.
    Or the levels, or why there are levels of class of alcohol.

    Again... College.
    Not sorority... JUST college.
  7. Facts. Are you implying however, along with @Sarah Walker, that you drink your drink for the taste?

    I drink JD for the taste but I drink it t get drunk. I think everybody drinks to get drunk. In college this is more relevant bc it's to excess.

    Im gonna assume you all have a career and are older than me. Around that age it might be, let me have a couple glasses to relax after a long week. You're still feeling the effects of alcohol. You know?
  8. I honestly don't know much about Jameson. I prefer bourbon over anything. I consider JD to be a bourbon for obvious reasons.

    But that's another discussion for another drunken time I suppose..
  9. I like wine! I've always made fun of my friends (jokingly) bc wine is kinda a girly drink. But it's gooooddd. I just don't taste much alc, drink to much of it. Then it put me out bc I accidently had to much.

    I had a "problem" w champagne in hs where I physically can't drink it anymore bc i get carried away.

    That's a type of wine, right?
  10. I don't have a career, nor do I drink to get drunk as I grew out of that pretty quick. I like the taste of wine and the benefits of a glass a day, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people can enjoy alcohol without getting drunk as well.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Yeah, or a buzz
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I can guarantee that if you have ever had a $300 scotch, that you would not want to "just drink it to drink it"
    However, if you go through life thinking that life is only about pushing things to excess, you will never see the end of your Reboot.
    Also, everyone drinks "JD" because they think it's a good "middle" and it's actually caused its price to go up because of popularity, steadily in the last 15 years.
    I personally, still think it's crap.
    But I don't drink anything without a XO label.
    And that means different things, for different alcohols.
    So maybe learn about what you do, and you will know of what you speak.
  13. That's not fun at all to me and I have zero interest, but do what makes you happy I guess.
  14. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Lol, ok.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Okay first of all, I am very confident I know more than most people about alc drinks and drug use. Facts. Also I said "drink to get drunk" not what you typed.

    And what do you mean? I don't go through life thinking any of what you said.

    In fact, I'm taking next semester off. I'm quitting weed/alc, starting next week when I'm back home, until August. Focus on online classes, gym, &quitting pmo. And you can best believe I'm reaching my goals.

    If I have to put a demeaning suggestion at then end, as well.. it would be to not be so judgemental and not to assume things of people, espicially online.
  16. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Very nice
    However... I was simply responding to what you wrote Right here.
    I know you are smart and I know you are kind.
    When you write something super focused on a thread, expect super focused answers... See other responses.
    I think you are going to, in fact achieve your goals In life, but you already know this from our personal conversations.
    You don't need me to reiterate it here.
    I was simply using it make my point.
  17. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I'm with you on the not getting drunk part - can't stand it. One or two drinks to just relax the ol' central nervous system a bit. I will say, though, that hard liquor can be sipped and enjoyed without getting hammered. Probably won't be J.D., but a nice neat scotch or bourbon can really be a treat if you've acquired the taste for it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Can you explain this? I've seen a movie called 'Captain Fantastic' and there the father allows the children to drink a glass of wine once in a while. It quite surprised me because the family was very spiritual and into meditation and stuff like this.
  19. Ah I see what you're saying. I think you are smart as well from our PMs, and you helped me. I re-read your previous statement, and I see what you're saying. That's sick that you always seem to have a "level-head" though, good quality.

    What is a XO label?
  20. Yeah, I've never enjoyed getting drunk and I don't even feel sick after either. I've also preferred to actually experience the alcohol instead of just pouring it down my throat, and that's why I enjoy red wine the most because of the taste and smell.

    Although I'm sure JD, Vodka or any other can be enjoyed like you say though, I've just never been into hard liquor like that.