Straight guy, gay porn addiction. Anyone else? Phone chat?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Michael Mac, May 13, 2017.

  1. Michael Mac

    Michael Mac Fapstronaut

    im looking for a guy who has been in my situation and maybe wants to talk on the phone about it. 33 year old straight male here. But lately I can't stop watching gay porn. I know I'm not gay at all. But for some reason I watch it all the time. Anyone else experience this?
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  2. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Yes I understand what you are going through. There is a group here (see above in Groups) called Confused Sexualities and there are quite a few people here who have ended up watching porn which is not in line with our sexual orientations. I don't wish to talk on the phone (I prefer anonymity) however I am only too happy to talk to you via PM as and when you need to. I am online usually twice a day (morning and evening GMT timezone) however I will always get back to you.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  3. pretty common:
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  4. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    i find myself to be a straight male, but im into transwoman porn completely disgusted by it, but its the only porn that gets me off. Its all due to porn escalation, its actually so fucked up how porn can mentally ruin you in so many ways.
    Former_CD likes this.