Take a minute is worth knowing..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by the promise, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. the promise

    the promise Fapstronaut

  2. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I just read the article, but does it actually have something useful to say? I mean the authors whole point is, that dopamine isn't the neurochemical, which rewards us. Well, fine. But does it make a difference in the fact, that dopamine plays one of the key roles for addiction? I don't think so. That dopamine is highly important is said in the article as well, so I really don't get why this get's published in a magazine.

    But this guy is known for "debunking" porn addiction and attacking NoFap in general. You might wanna have a look at this site on YBOP.com about David Lay and his work.
  3. Trigger warning on that link (sexy image, not porn).
    Amazing Athest likes this.
  4. the promise

    the promise Fapstronaut

    It says that dopamine is not the responsable for our addictions that the problem consis in a deeper connection inside us we usaly say dopamine is controling us when is a lot more thats what i found usefull i t tels you to indagate furthure