For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Here are 6 ways to take your thoughts captive:
    Taking your thoughts captive simply means gaining control over what you think about. Here is a great article from crosswalk.com
    1. Accept responsibility for your thoughts. You have the ability to exercise control over your thoughts. God warned Cain to focus his mind on the right things, but Cain chose to think about the wrong things - anger and jealousy - which led to his murderous actions. Are you willing to admit that you can, with God's help, regain control of your thoughts - and think enabling thoughts instead of disabling ones?

    2. Your mind - not just your behavior - must change. God calls us to change sinful behavior that does not honor Him. Instead of focusing on your outward behavior, work on disciplining your mind - from which the behaviors stem. Allow God to transform you by the renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2).

    3. Think through your problems rather than just reacting to them.”

      I will insert this: If we accept problems instead of falling we can have a great month.

      4. “Take your disabling thoughts captive through confession. Paul urges us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (Rom. 12:21). Confront your disabling thoughts. Turn them over to God and become who He sees you can be. It will take work to take your thoughts captive each time they pop into your mind. But it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.
      5. Choose to focus your thoughts on the right things. We are to think about those things that are "true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable" (Phil. 4:8). When we think about those things, God promises to give us His peace. What a contrast that is to the thoughts of millions of people today. Don't look to a movie, TV show, or how-to formula to accomplish this for you. It takes personal discipline and commitment.
      6. It is possible. It is not easy to retrain your thoughts or to respond in new Christ-like ways. Take heart: as God empowers you to focus your mind on the right things, it will become easier. You can develop a new frame of reference, based on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
    It is possible to live a life aware of our thoughts and take them captive! God gave us the Holy Spirit to empower us. Start following these steps today to gain power over your mind and thoughts.”

    I say print out their article and read it every day for 2 weeks. Great stuff.

    Pray: “Father, show me how to change the way I think.”

    Think about only looking at things you “can” look at, as if God is watching (He is). Always be praying about running from what you can't look at.

    Every time a wrong thought pops into your head pray: “Father, help me to take this thought captive. I praise you today. Please give me new thoughts.”