For Fapstronauts of the Protestant Christian faith.

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I always write about developing the habit of turning instantly from sin, and praying, “Father, help me to turn aggressively from sin because when we look even for a moment, we open Pandora's box. Once it is open we got full-time trouble.

    I always write about developing the habit of worshiping God, (Do a Google search for ideas about how to do it) because that is what we should always be doing.

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are the men in the fiery furnace story. They were so focused on obeying and worshiping only God, that they got in real trouble. The king told them that he would burn them alive if they didn't worship his gods. They refused, into the furnace they went, but then Almighty God saved them.

    These 3 men always worshiped God, and that practice gave them a full awareness of the disaster that bowing to sin is. The great habits they practiced kept them from opening Pandora's box. If we absolutely refuse to open Pandora's box for even a split second, temptation will start to lessen.

    I have notebooks filled up with phrases I want to memorize and make into habits. I have written certain things so many times that I now merely write the initials of the sentence. Instead of “Turn aggressively from sin,” I write tafs. I know exactly what it means because I have written it so many times. Care about souls, cas etc.

    Pray: “Father, Your will be done.”

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego developed great habits which kept them fully in God's will. Because of their dedication to worship and obedience a fourth presence was in the fire helping them go through the fire. Maybe it was God, maybe an angel. But one thing is for sure. If we work on building great habits as they had... God will be with us, and great things might happen.
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