The last of many

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BUNMETAL, Jan 27, 2015.


    BUNMETAL New Fapstronaut

    Hey fellas and felletes,
    Call me BUNMETAL. I joined because well, I have a problem. I masturbate too damn much. It is affecting me and it's gotten bad. As I write this im pretty messed up in the pants mind and soul. My addiction is a source of sorrow, and shame. I am sick of it because I have no one to blame but myself. Luckily, with this information, I know that I have control and can fix this. I know I can do it because I have previously undergone 70 days without PMO or even sex. Not for the same reasons but just to see if I could. It was just a challenge I gave myself as a kid when I was 17. It was lent on steroids. Mostly cus I wanted to one up my friends who were giving up chocolate and such. Wrong reasons but non the less it was a good decision. I want to do it again exept this time for the right reasons. Sexual, spiritual and mental health. I think this will help me become a better man.