the next 20 must be different

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by magellant, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. magellant

    magellant Fapstronaut

    I hit the reboot button about 20 days ago and have been completely PMO free since. 20 days ago was also about the same time that marked 20 years since I fell into the vicious cycle of PMO. So much of life and life force's worth wasted away. Not anymore. I think it is time for me to dream again. I think it is time for me to make those dreams come true.
    monkeyseemonkeydo likes this.
  2. monkeyseemonkeydo

    monkeyseemonkeydo Fapstronaut

    Amazing Magellant! I would love to hear how you have been fighting your urges and keep cheering you on!
    magellant likes this.
  3. magellant

    magellant Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot monkeyseemonkeydo. :) I have no consistent routine. I just cook up something new everyday to get by. With much difficulty that I hardly need mention; especially here. I've gone past 30 days a few times before. The most I've got by is ~80 days. But I want this time to be different. As a default, I've set my goal to 8 months. :emoji_sweat_smile:
    Actually, my ideal (whose isn't? :p ) goal is indefinitely and my minimum achievable target is 8 months.
    Being of a mathematical bent, I like to express it as, min(8, ∞).
    I don't know if I'll make it. I hope I will.
    Hopefully, we all will :)
  4. monkeyseemonkeydo

    monkeyseemonkeydo Fapstronaut

    Well! It seems like you already have the right mindset! You're almost at 30 days again also! Keep it up! I'm cheering you on!
    magellant likes this.