The problem of self improvement and dating

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. The actor Will Smith said in an interview:

    "when I was 15 y.o I was dumped by a girl and since that day I told to myself I'll become the best actor in the world so no girl will ever dump me again"

    Some months ago Will just won an Oscar and became a meme after punching Chris Rock "defending" her toxic wife.

    Being your best version makes you attractive to women but self improvement needs to include you learning to analyze women otherwise you are just a successful beta male.

    Conclusion: don't be Will Smith
  2. There’s a fantastic video on this discussing the 4 categories of men and women in terms of self development ego and energy.

    Toxic Male ego
    Toxic Female ego

    Healthy male
    Healthy female

    Notice that his drive, many peoples for that matter, doesn’t come from a higher ideal or a place of compassion, love or selflessness. It was initially engaged by vengeance. Aka, fear. Fear or not being enough, or mediocrity. Fast forward and we see a 50+ year old man behaving like a 16year old defending his toxic male ego in the name of his toxic female’s persona.

    This NoFap really at its core is so much more than just overcoming porn. I agree.
    You can have all the appearance of “success” and still know nothing, or have attained nothing in terms of wisdom and mastery of one’s self. Aka true happiness and freedom.
  3. That's unfortunately the premise of some self-help books. Instead of analyzing the impression that drives us, we focus on trying to feed the impression by improving ourselves. That's why I find books like The Rational Male to be extremely problematic.
    NamaClature14 and Tilopa like this.
  4. Goodbye Tilopa, thanks for the inspiration and great information