This how I reached to Day 32

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheRunner87, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    Hello All

    Im today on Day 32 and feeling so energized for my next milestone of 60 Days then 90 Days , then one year then forever.

    Here are some points that have helped me reach this far:

    1. I am maintaining closer relationship with God putting in mind that he loves me when Im free of PMO

    2. I am avoiding looking at girls in public or social media when it is not extremly neccessary. Stairing at girls will drive libido to a stage that cant be controlled.

    3. I have put a big goal to do (trekking to everest base camp next month) and I am keeping reminding myself that If I wanna succeed i have to maintain free from PMO becasue the same will make me weak and fatigue

    4. Above goal kept me busy exercising (running, cycling, cardio) so my power is consumed and I dont even have the energy for PMO.

    5. Linking huge amount of pain beacuse PMO like losing someone you loved is a great helper for quitting. ( i lost my fiance who I was about to get married to)

    6. Im reading a lot, I made it as the habit that has replaced PMO. I finished about 7 books in the past 30 days. Most of the books are on self development.

    I read the book "your brain on porn" it is a very essential start for reboot.

    7. The key was to keep myself busy so I dont have the time to PMO

    8. Im listeing to great audio book which u can find it in torrent, it is called "personal power 2". It is fantastic.

    9. Im keeping in touch with family and friends.

    10. Im volunteering in a horse riding school for disable children. Any such thing is good for heart and soul.

    Keep going guys, we will make it.
  2. Lets_do_this

    Lets_do_this Fapstronaut

    Great for you! Keep going! I know you can beat that addiction. I mean, if you made it to 32 Days, why would you start again? Your life doesn't depend on it. Your life depends on loving relationsship, achieving your goals and have a social circle. I believe in you, mate!
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  3. strongman

    strongman Guest

    I remember when I was 19 and I went over 40 days without porn or masturbation and I was watching my sisters baby son and her girl friend came over the apartment wanting to fuck me but I didn't because I was trying to say righteous and wait for marriage to have sex