This will change your life

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Bo johnsin, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. Bo johnsin

    Bo johnsin New Fapstronaut

    Before NoFap I masturbated like everyday and didnt see it as a problem. It all changed when I met the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world. She was everything. I ruined it all. Our relationship was perfect and we took things slow. I was completely head over heels in love. We eventually went to have sex and I could not get it up. It made her think she wasnt attractive and I felt awful. So I went on to nofap and tried the challenge because I was so upset and had no other options. So I went two weeks NoFap and we had sex and it was great. Then i acted like an idiot and believed it was just unlucky the first time we had sex and im good now. So then i started masturbating because I wanted to last a super long time with her. So I practiced edging. STUPID IDEA. the next time we went to have sex I couldnt get it up and she really believed I wasnt into her. Anyways long story short we ended up breaking up. This caused me huge anxiety and really messed with my head. I couldnt get it off my mind. I was DEVISTATED and turned to fapping. After like 4 weeks I manned up and couldnt just let myself feel awful. I came to the conclusion that masturbation and porn was a big problem and cut it out completely. At first I was very moody because fapping causes you to hide emotions so now i was feeling them all but I noticed soo many girls looking at me and telling me Im handsome. It has to be hormones or something. Its inexplicable you just have to try it. Anyways I gained a ton of confidence through nofap and have been having great sex with girls every week. I was scared the first time after the incident but trust me with NoFap you get rock hard and all the anxiety goes away. Its insane and it actually helped me get over my ex and made me realize my selfworth. I cant see myself ever fapping again. Regardless if my issue was pied or performance anxiety, NoFap made me super confident and brought me into a whole new life. Remember this story when you want to relapse. Being in bed and not getting it up for a girl you loved is the worst feeling in the world. Learn from this and dont end up like I did. Fapping is what is keeping everyone from their full potential.
  2. Purity of Speech

    Purity of Speech Fapstronaut

    congratulations! good stuff. how long are you out of fap?
  3. Bo johnsin

    Bo johnsin New Fapstronaut

    Havent even counted I think around 30 days.
    Purity of Speech and the fight like this.
  4. PieLover

    PieLover Fapstronaut

    Nice motivating story mate, you're on the right track :)
    PotentLife likes this.
  5. Present Kid

    Present Kid Fapstronaut

    You can tell the girl what you are going through. A lot of women are understanding bc they issuses themselves.
    PotentLife likes this.
  6. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

    thats a nice story. i wish you all the best!