Those with spouses/S.O.'s/partners

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Heneman, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    I don't know about anyone else, but the area I feel worst about due to PMO is in regards to my wife. I'll post about it here in an attempt to unburden myself, and I'd like to hear your experiences too. I'd like to know if others are similar, or if I'm worse than most. So here goes. This is gonna be long/hard/don'tsaythat!

    First I should probably say that, due to several things in a horrible, horrible childhood, my wife (and her siblings) has some very painful issues of her own. That she has risen from these ashes to become a very intelligent, capable, & driven (also, might I add, jaw-droppingly attractive) young woman getting her Ph.D. from a prestigious university, is a testament to how far she's come. However, it happens that one of these issues is the complete inability to see my PMO in an objective way. It hurts her as much as physical infidelity might hurt another person, and she is unable to look at it, because of how she has been hurt, any other way. When I met her, I was the first male in her life that treated her like anything other than dirt, and she responded, eventually coming out of her protective defenses for the first time in a long time.

    The first time she found porn (a raunchy vhs), she laughed it off and didn't say anything. The next time, after catching it on my browser history she asked me to stop, & I promised I would. The time after that we had a giant row, she left our newly shared apt, but came back the next day, angry but willing to give me another chance if i'd swear to her this was the last time. The last time me caught me, several years into our relationship, was terrible. She sobbed and sobbed, which she does not do, and kept asking me why she wasn't enough; what was so ugly about her that I was so driven to look at other women. Not yet realizing that pornography addiction was a real thing, I could only reply dumbly that it wasn't her, and that I didn't know why I did it. Somehow she found out that pornography can be addictive and, though i'm not sure how much she bought it, told me that if i'd try to get help, she'd try to get over it. This was about 7 years ago, and there wasn't much in the way of help for this kind of thing. You could either go to a therapist (not an option for me at the time, being fairly broke), or buy a book about it. I bought the book and we both read it, though not together. I slowly realized that I had a serious problem. We worked out a way to deal with it, although it was supposed to be cold turkey, no mistakes, as she couldn't take another incident. A few caveats were that I could not get on the internet without her around, period; that I wouldn't watch movies without her around unless there was absolutely no sort of sexuality, no tv without her (you'd be surprised at the commercials that pop up during an otherwise "family" program). I told her i'd stop, and I Swear! I meant every God. Damned. Word!

    (sigh) I lasted about 3 months. Knowing it was an addiction didnt help me to stop. Neither did the knowledge that if she caught me she'd leave me, and probably never be able to trust another man in her life. I grew paranoidically(word?) sneaky. There were passwords on the computer, and i'm no hacker, I'd wait til I got a tip at my job, buy a magazine from the gas station, wait til she was at school, and then drive to the grocery store to throw away the trash. I'd use those disgusting booths at porn stores, then do the worst walk of shame a person can do, walking back out feeling like a nasty, nasty pervert bastard. When my job gave us tablets to use, I soon discovered I could go to any site I wanted, & it was full speed ahead. I've watched some videos that excited me before, and made me sick to the point of nausea after. And all of this while looking my wife, who never lies to me about anything, in the face and telling her the worst lie I can, every. single. day. She still asks me every day if I've had a relapse, only wanting me to reassure her that i'm still on the wagon, when i've been anything but. The one time I tried to hint about it she hyperventilated to the point of almost passing out, and I quickly reneged. We would have the perfect relationship if not for this. The only really huge fights we have had are the ones when she has almost found out, and I have been able to convince her I haven't PMO'd. I have tried to stop so many times. I had given up. I found this site a few short days ago; the stuff I've read, the personal accounts, make it seem like I really can make it happen for real this time, and finally be the man & husband that she deserves.

    Sorry for the novel. I've had this ony chest for so long, not being able to talk to anybody at all about it, that it's all come gushing out. So anybody have similar experiences? Does anybody know how I feel? Am I the worst person around here? I'd really just love to have some perspective on this. Thanks guys.

    TL;DR ive been a rotten asshole to my wife, and feel horrible about it. You?
    ImaBreakingFree likes this.
  2. Wife's perspective

    Wife's perspective Fapstronaut

    Oh Heneman, I can't tell you that I understand how you feel, but I understand completely how your wife feels. And I probably know how this has affected your marriage. First, you must understand that you're not a rotten asshole. And your wife's response to this issue is identical to what mine was. And it hurt me so bad because I really love my husband. And I bet your wife really loves you too. You know, though, a healthy marriage cannot survive on lies and secrecy. Is it still not possible to try counseling? I would encourage you to find a counselor who works with addictions, and ask for guidance on how to approach your wife. She will find out, at some point, and it would be better coming from you than having her discover it some other way. Perhaps counseling will help bring you two closer together, and may help your wife see this for the real addiction that it is. It's as powerful as any other addiction, chemically speaking. Keep your chin up, Heneman. It may become stormy, but there are surely better days ahead.
  3. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    Thanks Wife's perspective. It means a lot that the other side of the equation can be so kind & positive about it. I really appreciate hearing your take on this. Anybody else with s.o.'s please feel free to relate your experience. I'd really like to hear from you.
  4. Justme83

    Justme83 Fapstronaut

    Heneman, thanks for sharing your experience. I can't say I know exactly how you feel, but I can kinda relate.

    I've been PMO'ing since my early teen years, always thought it would eventually stop when I get older maybe it's a teen thing, then thought it will stop when get into serious relationship (or any relationship) and then thought it would stop when I got married. I have the most amazing and beautiful wife, I met her 5 years ago, got married 3 years ago, the longest I have gone without PMO was 10 days since then, and I lie about this to her everyday, it hurts me to lie to her and I regret it every day.

    I have not told my wife about my problem, mainly because I don't want to hurt her feelings and not sure how she will react, and due to some of her previous relationships she has a big thing about trust. I have tried stopping before and I've never realized that I had a problem, never thought it is an addiction, until about a year or so ago, I found an article on PMO addiction, then realized how serious my problem is and how it affects my life, personally, my relationship with my wife and socially and that I had to do something about it, that lasted 2 weeks and I was back on the PMO train again. I'm good with computers so I pretty much know how to hide things and leave things pretty much untraceable, whether it be PC, Phone or Tablet, you know the drill, so this has kinda made it easy for me to get away with it.

    Now, I don't know if my wife suspects anything, if she does she hasn't showed it, but as this also affects our sex life, she has asked me if I don't find her attractive or is there something I don't like about her, because quite often I don't last during sex or I don't get turned on, I usually come up with a lame excuse, I love everything about her and find her so attractive, but the P has made my mind numb. So in an attempt to overcome this addiction I've decided to join this site (about 2 weeks ago), shared my experience, for the first time ever and it feels like I lifted the world off my shoulders and I've made a commitment for no PMO for 90 days.

    By sharing my experience with others and being part of this awesome community it feels easier for me to overcome my addiction. I am more motivated than ever now that I have accepted that I have an addiction and I know what this addiction affects in my life. Even though I lasted only 9 days now, I personally have noticed a difference already in my life since I joined and made my commitment, I feel more confident, I have more energy and am more focused and I know I will reach my goal.

    What helps me whenever I feel the urge to PMO, I just pop in here, have a bit of a read to motivate me and post a comment or two to motivate my fellow Fapstronauts.

    Hope my experience give a little bit more perspective.
    hiitsme likes this.
  5. fapfreemyself

    fapfreemyself Fapstronaut

    Mate step 1 is acknowledging you have a problem, step 2 is taking steps to resolve this problem. You have obviously done both, and you feel bad about your PMO, thus you are at least on the right track.

    I don't have a partner, but my PMO helped speed up the break up of my last relationship (there were a lot of other issues). PMO robs your partner of the relationship they deserve, in addition to robbing you of the live you deserve.

    Stay strong mate.
    ImaBreakingFree likes this.
  6. slip_kid

    slip_kid Fapstronaut

    Yep, my regular PMO habit drained away a lot of the warmth and affection I otherwise would have had for my last g/f.

    And because PMO wasn't always enough of an illicit fix for me, I had a one-night stand with a girl I met on a casual hookup website. Wonderful idea, except it turned out that a male friend of the casual hookup girl also knew my g/f. And he blabbed. My distraught g/f tried to forgive and forget, but our relationship never fully recovered from this breach of trust.

    And even if I hadn't been (deservedly) caught red-handed, there's no doubt in my mind that women are far more intuitive than men. Even when we think we're successfully hiding our PMO habits, or worse, wives and girlfriends invariably know more than we think they know.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
  7. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear about you guys' problems, though i'm very glad you've related them. The best thing about this site is just hearing from other people who've had the same experiences, felt the exact same way. I don't think it's possible for us to make it through this without each others support. Glad to hear from anybody else too. - P.S. I didn't even realize anyone got anywhere on those casual hookup sites. I always figured it was either all-gay or a bunch of dudes going "Are you a woman? Are You a woman?". Thank god I didn't know about that 4 or 5 years ago.
  8. OnCourseForDivorce

    OnCourseForDivorce Fapstronaut

    You described my issue to a T. From my wife having a horrible past and upbringing to her viewing it as a form of infidelity to me having to be squeaky clean this time with no relapses. I feel guilty every day because she already suffers from depression and I only add to it. I'm probably the #1 cause of it. The only thing you didn't say is if you have intimacy issues with your wife or not? I do, PMO took over our marriage many years ago. I'm on my last chance with my wife. I'm making this one count! Good luck on your quest and remember to set goals. Relapses happen but when they do, try to beat your record. It helps.
  9. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    I haven't had intimacy issues like others or at least not as bad. I have definitely had less sensitivity, and in the past have at times been unable to orgasm during sex. Nowadays, instead, I kind of know when that'll happen & just tell her i'm too tired. I've also noticed that while I can be too tired for sex (for real), i'm never too tired for porn. We probably have been on a once to twice a month schedule for many years now. The biggest problem there seems to be the fact that it takes me a long time to ejaculate with her trying to get me to, and if we take too long or there are any minor distractions, I can't.
  10. Enochnomore

    Enochnomore New Fapstronaut

    You have reflected my story almost perfectly. I have just relapsed. After about a 30 day period. I have been struggling with this my entire life. My wife knows that I have an issue and sometimes she throws it in my face. I know I have and addiction. I am struggling to survive. Spiritually I am a wreck as well. I am supposed to be the spiritual leader of a church, but how can I do this and I am so filthy inside?

    What has helped me in times past to get past the overwhelming urge is to recognize the situations that cause me to relapse. High stress is key for my issues. Find out your triggers then you can try to avoid those triggers until you have enough will power or someone else nearby to help you beat it.
  11. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that Enochnomore. But it's good to realize that unfortunately relapsing is almost certainly going to happen. It happened to me and it'll happen to everyone. It's important that we just let that make us all the more resolved.
  12. chris4nj

    chris4nj Fapstronaut

    It's tough.
    It was when I went to the website that I realized this was an addiction. (BTW- that website might be useful for your wife to read through).
    Someone also suggested to me the video of Mark Queppet's Sacred Sexuality Project: - this one is with him and his fiance.

    What I have found is that the secrecy was the most killing thing - what kept the addiction locked in place. I started by telling two friends first, then my girlfriend. And, I told her at a time when she was still mad at me about a fight we had. I just couldn't go on any longer with not telling the truth about it. I have since shared with some other friends. It has been a little uncomfortable, and beneficial. In addition to no longer feeling like a fraud, it also helps me keep from PMO'ing as I have told all these people that I have stopped.

    It has been hard and uncomfortable to tell the truth. And, as they say, the truth will set you free. What they don't say is that it will be uncomfortable.

    So, I would suggest finding a way to tell her, and tell others in your life.

    Going out on a limb here - you need to do what will heal you and have you kick the addiction. You are not the source of her depression. You may trigger it, and you are not the source of it. Things like that, as well as our addiction, started a long time before we met whoever we are with now. And, you keeping things a secret is not serving her and it is not serving you. The secrecy and lies will just keep things stuck in place.
    I am not suggesting telling her in an uncaring way. Find a way that will work. It may be you tell some friends and get their support in working out how to tell your wife.

    It's unfortunate that this is just beginning to be seen as an addiction - there isn't a Porn Addict Anonymous yet.

    I hope this helps.
  13. Lion

    Lion Fapstronaut


    I am in an almost identical boat. My wife views porn as cheating. My porn use almost caused our divorce a few years ago, and I gave it up...briefly. Now I have just kept it deep under raps.

    She asks sometimes, and I think she knows I am lying to her, but allows her false hope to overcome her doubt.

    Part of my motivation to come here, and hopefully, lay the habit to rest for good, is to stop lying to my wife.
  14. Scott1971

    Scott1971 Fapstronaut

    Fortunately for me, my wife never saw porn as cheating. It was something she rolled her eyes at in an "oh jeez!" kind of way. But she never took it as an indication of dissatisfaction with her on my part, she just saw it as something most guys do.

    However, I think this was part of the problem. While her laid-back attitude about porn was great, it also enabled me to consume more and more of it, I didn't think it was bad because SHE didn't think it was bad. As time went on, I spent more and more time online, fapping daily, sometimes multiple times daily, totally under her nose. She never knew when I did it or how often I did it. But having to clear my history all the time, hurrying to put my clothes back on when I heard her pull into the driveway, locking myself in the bathroom, keeping all these secrets were weighing down on me. Once I began to notice a change in my ability to perform for her I knew I had a problem.

    Getting to the point here...She and I have had multiple discussions about my addiction. I've told her most of what I've done, what I've looked at, when I'd do what I did. I made it clear how much it bothered me and how muchI think it was affecting my ability to concentrate in my daily life, and perform sexually.

    Bringing all of this out into the light, talking to her regularly has been the single greatest asset to me. Secrecy is like the cement that holds the addiction in place. If you have no secrets, it begins to crack and I'm feeling that now.

    I frequently refer to my addiction as a "monster" or "creature" in my brain that feeds off this porn and masturbation induced dopamine haze. He doesn't want me to tell my wife or anyone else about this, he likes it being kept dark and secret because that's the ideal environment for him to thrive in. He hates the light, truth and honesty is the light that will eventually kill this monster.
  15. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Fapstronaut

    That is pretty much my situation right there.
    I made it harder on myself by getting resentful when I accidentaly replaced my porn infatuation with fantasies about my g/f... I suggest you don't fall into that trap along your journey.
  16. zachoooo

    zachoooo Fapstronaut

    I had a very similar problem. Here is how I stopped:

    1. Admit that you have a problem
    2. Admit to yourself that your problem is harming your life
    3. Create a list of ways that PMO is negatively affecting you
    4. Place said list anywhere that you might relapse
    5. Don't be afraid to print it out or set it as your wallpaper on your desktop/phone
    6. Find someone you can confide in. Someone that you know you will be comfortable talking to. I don't recommend it being your wife. You need someone who can be strong when you are weak. Someone that can give you courage when you have none.
    7. Cut yourself off from porn. Trash those VHS tapes. Burn your erotic literature. Delete any and all porn from your computer.
    8. Tell yourself that quitting is what you truly want. Tell yourself that you don't ever want to see porn again and you aren't going to relapse ever again
    9. If you do relapse, don't get upset. When you're in the middle of a race, just because you stumble a bit doesn't mean you can't finish. Talk to your accountability partner. Figure out what went wrong and how a relapse could be prevented in the future.
    10. Identify situations where you might relapse ahead of time and avoid them at all costs
    11. Create a porn free environment around you.
    12. Set random alerts and alarms on your phone. These alarms help break your focus if you're on the path to a relapse.

    Mentality + Action = Success!!!
    ImaBreakingFree likes this.
  17. Sisyphus

    Sisyphus Fapstronaut

    thank you Zach, I have tried most of these but there are a few I haven't. I especially like no. 12, that is a great idea!
  18. chris4nj

    chris4nj Fapstronaut

    Regarding relating to the addiction as a monster could be useful. What I hear Scott saying is that the monster is the urges and the thoughts to go watch porn and masturbate. You and I determine what action we will take in the face of those urges and thoughts - what we do when faced with the "monster".

    It's distinguishing between the thoughts and urges and our action. So, it can be completely consistent with what you say about being responsible for your actions.

    The other thing I feel is great is that it doesn't identify the urges and thoughts as myself. The urges and thoughts are in a way a disease, a monster. It's up to me what actions I take in the face of the disease. Seeing the urges and thoughts as a "monster" leaves me at least a little more free to take actions in a direction different from what the "monster" is saying.

    Sorry for any rambling - I may have said the same thing 5 times.
  19. Scott1971

    Scott1971 Fapstronaut

    My personal choice to metaphorically identify my addiction as a "monster" is based mostly in the fact that, working as a graphic designer, I think in very visual terms. However, I admit that being a very visual person is also part of what got me here.

    Visual metaphors like that help me to put a "face" to the problem. It is by no means an attempt to deny my own accountability for what I do or have done. The monster is my own creation, it lives and thrives due to my own actions, (and inactions) it's not something that controls me like a puppet or a "scapegoat" I can assign blame to. But now after years of living with this thing in my head, I'm doing my best to kill it.

    I think of the porn as the oxygen it needs to breathe, by cutting off it's supply, I'm trying to suffocate it.
  20. zachoooo

    zachoooo Fapstronaut

    Number 12 can be annoying, but I can't tell you how many times I've been about to relapse and suddenly my phone goes off. It's like a reality check. It makes you realize what you're doing.