Time For a Change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 04chill86, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. 04chill86

    04chill86 New Fapstronaut

    Like many on NoFap I began looking at porn at an early age. I found my Dad's stash around 4th grade, however I didn't start faping to porn until 14 or 15. That was the time when AOL dial up first came out. At first it was just regular porn, however by the time I graduated from High School I started looking at transsexual porn. When I got to college and got my own computer I continued to watch porn. However I had a steady girlfriend and never had any trouble having sex. My porn watching and faping continued through college and after college. Now I am 29, married, and still continue to watch porn. I have tried to quit before but the longest I have gone is around 40 days. I know that this habit/addiction is destructive and I am ready for a change. I put the forever accountable app on my phone this morning with my wife being my accountability partner. This is Day 1. I will be taking it day by day on a mission to re boot the damage that numerous years of pornography has done to my brain.
  2. Sir_Faps_a_not

    Sir_Faps_a_not Fapstronaut

    Welcome to nofap. You situation sounds very familiar to mine and many others on here. I would suggest trying to find an accountabiltiy partner that is not your spouse. In the beginning when you relapse frequently, she probably doesn't need/want to hear every time you relapse. It really hurts them. I have put my wife though it and would do it differently if I could.
    I'm sure there is loads of good advice out there, but here is mine. Look in to Karezza. The guy who runs Your Brain on Porn dot com, Gary Wilson, is married to the lady who runs Reuniting dot info, Marnia Robinson. Check them both out. There is a book out there called Cupid's Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson. I recommend reading it. Karezza is basically gentle, affectionate, non-orgasmic sex. You're not trying to get as close to orgasm as possible but not, because that causes painful balls.
    Also, meditate, stay off internet capable devices as much as possible. Get a flip phone. Start reading old literature that takes months to finish. Just live your life. Trying to not think about porn is basically thinking about it. Keep busy and try no to focus on it. Good luck.
  3. 04chill86

    04chill86 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice and words of wisdom!
  4. 04chill86

    04chill86 New Fapstronaut

    How do I edit my profile?
  5. 04chill86

    04chill86 New Fapstronaut

    Disregard, I figured it out.