Time for a new Game Plan.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by UnChosen, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. UnChosen

    UnChosen Fapstronaut

    Been a pretty tough week so far...I haven't been able to get a streak going at all. But I've made some observations. And have decided to change my plan. Instead of attempting to stop just fapping, I'm just gonna attempt to stop watching porn or hentai. I think that this might be a situation were baby steps are needed. So I'm gonna try to stop relying on porn and hentai first, and later down the line I will attempt to stop fapping.

    My hope is that by eliminating porn, then by default my urge to fap will also decrease. I've tried this approach in the past, but I was just too impatient. I wanted to immediately focus on no longer fapping.

    I've done a couple of things to ensure I don't look at porn.

    -Blocked Porn from phone: Now, it would be easy to just uninstall the app after typing a password at random. So the trick is in giving myself some control. I typed a random password then sent myself an email of the password that will arrive in the future. And I also added a positive message in the emails. This will remind me that I have control and that I am not forcing myself, but instead, I am choosing this. (And I will keep changing the password and sending myself the email, but with longer waiting intervals each time.)

    -Deleted Twitter: Way too many possible triggers there that could get me to fap. Also, very easy to look up porn/hentai in it.

    -Not being awake at 2am: Turns out 2am is a very common time for me to fap. Most of my faps happen because I can't sleep and the stress of being unable to sleep just gets too me. This is a hard one. Because its summer, its hot as heck, and my room is a freaking oven, so I have been struggling to sleep even more than usual because of it. I might get an air conditioner soon tho. That would make a huge difference since I sleep easily when its cold. So hopefully I get one.

    -Changing my environment to the best of my abilities: I've been reading this book called Atomic habits, and one of the things it talks about is the influence your environment has on you. (Haven't finished, but highly recommend the book so far!) And I can't disagree, so I've been making several changes. Such as having an organized room and placing productivity cues around my room. Leaving books around were I can pick them up and read, leaving my sketchbook were I can see it so that I draw more, and having a stainless steel water bottle in my room filled with nice cold water at all times so I am encouraged to drink more. (This one has really helped! Drinking like 3 bottles of water a day now that its always cold!)

    So yeah, I hope this new strategy works...wish me luck xD
    koolpal likes this.
  2. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Good luck bro.

    I am in the same boat as you.

    After I MO about a real life memory, I feel fine, great even.

    If I watch P, even without masturbating, I feel terrible, and it kills my sex drive and erections (weird eh?).

    It is 100% clear to me that porn is the issue and masturbation/sex isn't. you also crave porn, not masturbation. I also have weird dreams. when I dream about porn, that day I get extreme urges. I get that anxiety that I will fail (not sure if you know) and a load of BS saying its okay to relapse and trying to entice me into it.

    for some people masturbating doesn't work, so they need complete abstinence, but for others, it makes it easier and makes it much more manageable. as long as your not masturbating to porn memories, your desire to look at P will gradually decline.

    I am going to go 30 days completely PMO free (hard mode) and then allow myself to MO as much as I want. no porn though.

    I also think changing your lifestyle is important to quitting. I start full time work in September and I reckon that work + gym + socialising means that I have little incliniation, time or energy to even entertain the thought of PMO. it is much harder to quit when your life is full of boredom, stress and lack of purpose.

    I wish you luck. everyone here is part of some fucked up experiment and we had no idea of the dangers going into this.
    UnChosen and koolpal like this.
  3. Best sleep you get is between 9pm and about 2am after that you get allot less value from sleep. During this time body actively repairs itself, and sleeping during time time is very restorative.
    I do not find myself in bed at 9pm, but I try to head in that direction after 10pm.
    If you do not feel well, one of the best things you can do is go to sleep at 9pm, you will be surprised how well you will feel next day.

    I support slow reduction of exposure rather than abrupt stop and suggest that you keep track of your exposure to pornography.
    If you know when and how long you used it, you will be able to later see if you are reducing the use or not, if you have been tracking it. This is critical in motivating you to continue.
    Someone times people try to stop and struggle for weeks and then give up because they think - I was not able to stop.
    While in reality they reduced pornography use by 70% during that time but did not pay attention to that.

    If you go from daily use to once a week - you made significant progress and if you continue you will be able to stop.
    UnChosen likes this.
  4. yerrrrrrrtssssssss

    yerrrrrrrtssssssss Fapstronaut

    Its good that you sacrificed many things to prevent the fapping urges like twitter and other social media like instagram that personally gives me the most urges. You're on the right path and are taking great actions and making good choices, but there is more to it.

    Even if you block all of those stuff, you probably will still get some urges and triggers so its best to stop staying at home where you have free time. Going outside for walks or going to the park, going to the gym, playing sports, reading books, spending less time on the internet and just simply distracting your mind from the urges is the best way to beat it. You're going to have to change your lifestyle and stop spending too much time on the internet (unless its NoFap). This is my best advice that I can give to you from my experience and hopefully we all can beat this addiction.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019