Time To Stop

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by timetostop, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. timetostop

    timetostop New Fapstronaut

    As the ID states, I realize it's time to make a change in my life. I've allowed this crap to control too much of my life for too long. It's affected my marriage, our intimacy, my career my productivity and probably a lot of other facets of my life that even I don't realize for too many years.

    A little about me. 60 years old. Long marriage to a wonderful woman that I love with all my heart and soul. I still find her incredibly sexy and she feels the same about me. So why the hell do I feel compelled to watch porn and get off myself every chance I get? It makes absolutely no sense. I could have the real thing every day of my life from the woman that I love more than anyone....but I choose my own damned hand instead? WTF

    She knows I've had porn issues in the past but she's convinced that I stopped long ago (I never did but I'm incredibly good at hiding it...bet there's no one else here that can say that...:rolleyes:).

    Anyway, that's my story at the moment. I am smart enough to know I can't do this alone but I don't have anyone that I can talk to in person about it so I'm hoping this community can provide the support that I know I need.

    Ok, that's as far as I'm willing to bare my soul at the moment, plus I've got to get to work.
  2. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    And I say welcome to the NoFap brotherhood. We're all masters of the hidden art of PMO ;) I'm sure there are a few potential accountability partners on this forum. Maybe you can post a request in the corresponding area. And be sure to read people's journals and stories here, I've learned a big lot from many of them.

    If you want to, join a challenge, like the official february NoFap challenge, which is still open.


    Or you could set yourself a goal of your own that you want to reach. Maybe 7 days of no porn, maybe 14? A month? A useful tool for that are the counters, which you can see in my signature.

    Glad your marriage is a longterm success! And good luck on your new journey!
  3. timetostop

    timetostop New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the replies. Haven't had time to explore the site much yet but...I made it a day. That's a start!