Transmuting my sexual energy for my studies

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Ambrus, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Ambrus

    Ambrus Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow fapstronauts

    I just got past my teen years. I am crazily addicted to porn. The addiction went to such an extent that it started interfering in my studies. I still don't understand on how to transmute my sexual energy for my own success in life. Anyone please help me
  2. Bromance

    Bromance Fapstronaut

    Meditation and exercise are very good for that, both together is a potent mix.
  3. Ambrus

    Ambrus Fapstronaut

    Do you know any specific meditation and exercise techniques for transmutation? I want to know how to do it.
  4. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    The way I transmute my sexual energy is that instead of PMO'ing I will just do something else that I want to do, for example right now I am focusing on weight loss, so I do weight loss.

    I have been abstaining from P, M and O for almost three weeks now, so my brain is running wild, and when I get an urge to PMO or MO I don't follow that urge, which then makes my body and mind all irritated, because there is sexual arousal build up by the urge but no release, then I might get anxious and angry for no reason—if sexual energy can not get out through your genitals it tends to turn into different emotion and get out different way! If you are not conscious/lucid/mindful enough (this is why mindfulness meditation is useful) you might take that anxiety and discharge it into tissue to feel more relaxed (cos over the years most of us have conditioned our brain to use PMO as a way to relax), or you might take that anger and dump it on your family member or friend, for no fault of their own. But if you are aware of what's going on you can then use that anger or anxiety and focus it on productive goals. For example when I feel anxious cos I can not release I think of being fat, so my brain starts to associate me being fat with anxiety, which then motivates me to stick to my diet. Or maybe you could take anger and do some strength training at the gym—use that anger to move weight, no pre–workout necessary—think of being weak and teach your brain to associate anger with that, so you are motivated to work out! Etc.

    Basically the saying goes: "the energy flows where the focus goes". That means that by switching on what you focus you can direct that energy into productive things. For example when you are aroused cos of urge to PMO instead of focusing on porn force yourself to focus on how amazing it feels to have great grades, so your brain learns to associate the feeling of sexual energy with study. And after couple months of doing this daily your brain learns the new pattern of association, so it might even become automatic.

    But also when you do not PMO your prolactin is low and you dopamine sensitivity is high, so that just translates to more energy and motivation in general, which in my case I then use to eat healthy, fast or go for walks. So you don't really have to do much to transmute sexual energy, all you have to do is to not release it; as you retain your motivation to study will build by itself.
    This sexual energy transmutation thing is not that complicated, we just tend to overthink it; there is no need for chakra meditations and stuff like that. Just don't PMO, retain and your body will take care of the rest. And if you want to be more proactive work on your mindfulness and your focus.
  5. Ambrus

    Ambrus Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for the valuable information . I will try to just forget PMO and lead all my focus on my studies. Good luck for your weight loss journey. But I have one last question- How can I control urges at night? These urges don't let me sleep and make me sleepy all day. But when I fap I could sleep ASAP. Do you know how to cope up with this?
  6. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I do not know how to control urges, sorry, I just kind of let them happen but not act on them; feel them, acknowledge them and then just endure until they go away. It's not much useful, I know, but that's what I do.
    You could also try to distract yourself by changing your focus—listening to music while falling asleep has helped me in the past to distract myself by focusing on it instead when my mind is restless.
    I do sometimes have trouble sleeping too, but not cos of urges, just some mild insomnia once in a while; taking 250 milligrams of magnesium supplement and 3 milligrams of melatonin supplement about an hour before bed I feel helps a little. Also taking a very hot shower immediately before bed helps.
    The Amalgamation likes this.
  7. Ambrus

    Ambrus Fapstronaut

    Oh ok. I will experiment with different ways to control my urges at night until I succeed. Thanks again! Good day.
    Ūruz likes this.