Triggered by the Forum?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by disallowedname, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. disallowedname

    disallowedname Fapstronaut

    Who is here and there triggered by the forum? And why? I do NOT mean by content with a trigger warning, but by even smooth details - maybe even by the simple topic itself - porn - because this does already remind you on what you dont want but need?

    Or by conversations that dont become explicit - but still too much?
  2. FreeSam

    FreeSam Fapstronaut

    I have experienced the same thing and wondered about the same questions. I am not sure if it is more of the forum itself or the timing of when I am most active in the forums. Usually I find myself most active in the forums when I am already in a triggered state.
    disallowedname and exsoldier like this.
  3. Gotta replace PMO with real life, real relationships. Don't replace PMO with talking about PMO.
    disallowedname and FreeSam like this.
  4. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    I think thats a psychotic person works.. This forum can get you psychotic if you are spending too much time searching about this addiction. My recommendation is to spend less than 30 mins a day here. If you get psychotic over you pied for example you can get performance anxiety which is real. Just chill out and make the right choices, answers (apart from the basic "Knowledge" here, which is kinda broscience with little proved) are already in your head so stop obsessing and start doing. Good luck! Best wishes from someone who cured PIED, PE and manages porn without struggle always (sometimes there are urges but are easy-managble).
    exsoldier and disallowedname like this.
  5. disallowedname

    disallowedname Fapstronaut

    Yes i guess thats it - the more its an issue, the more i am here; but the more i am here, the more i am of coruse reminded of the very thing i miss. The thing that i dont want to miss. What a circle!
    FreeSam likes this.