Trouble concentrating

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Logan116622, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    I've had trouble concentrating on things I want to do. It can be assignments for school where I put it off and feel anxiety because I'm neglecting it. Is this linked to my porn addiction?
  2. I had extreme lack of motivation in college where i let assignments lapse. My gpa could have been almost 4.0 but it was more like 3. I was fapping every day when my room mate was in a class or when i went home on weekends. My highest streak was 30 days right before i went to university then it became a multi daily habit.

    So yes it is definitely a factor in terms of concentration. Addiction supercedes anytype of real goals or projects
    open_mind95 likes this.
  3. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    So once I "beat" this addiction, my ability to concentrate should increase and my anxiety should decrease?
  4. Only a matter of time switch from porn to study classical music for relaxation and focus. I was reading Lord of the Rings to it last night. For a good half hour or so.

    Try that youtube is full of those also sleep noise videos if u have trouble sleeping.
  5. Did this loss of concentration means, we have ADHD.? Anyone pls answer
  6. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    This is a common withdrawal symptom, and not just for porn addiction, but any addiction in general. It can take a while to correct itself, but it will diminish in time. Don't worry about being like this forever, because it won't be.
    brahmacarya and Anonymous86 like this.