Trying out this new method to stop masturbation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Xuthorn, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Xuthorn

    Xuthorn Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    I am 20 now and I have discovered masturbation when I was 13! I have been pretty lucky I guess, because even though I watched a lot of porn, I have never watched some pretty hardcore stuff. For me, the biggest problem is masturbation more than porn I would say. I can manage not to watch porn during a long time but I always end up masturbating at some time.

    I have been trying to stop masturbation for about two years now. Even though I made some progress since that time, I used to masturbate every day at that time, I still cannot stop this behavior completely. For the past 6 months, I've managed to not masturbate for about a week each time and then I would relapse. This cycle of the one week has been going on and on like this since the summer. I managed to have a 3 weeks streak about two months ago and thought I had managed to gain control over my addiction, but I relapsed and I am know at this one week cycle again.

    Every time, I tell myself it will be the last time, and everytime after 6 to 10 days I do it again. I am seeing that I am making no real progress in my goal to completely stop masturbation and I wanted to try out this website and see if it could help me achieve my objective.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back!
    Robbiebob likes this.
  3. chasethevision

    chasethevision New Fapstronaut

    Totally understand where you're coming from. I'm new here too and also am trying to stop masturbating. I can't even remember the age I began (before 7 years old I know that). Wish you the best!
    Robbiebob likes this.
  4. Hi Xuthorn and welcome! :)

    Sometimes, a little shared knowledge can help tremendously. For example, the reason you find it hard not to get much further than a week before relapsing is a physical reason affecting us all. When you orgasm and cum, you will get a peak of testosterone seven days later. That is almost certainly why your desire to masturbate increases and is hard to resist. :oops:
    Robbiebob likes this.
  5. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Fantastic your here & warmly welcome you ...great support here, people & friends... Again welcome. .. Rob