Trying to snap out of it.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by transformation456, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. I'm a 16 year old high school student. I currently have no skills, hobbies, or interests. I don't play sports, I don't play video games, I don't even hang out with friends. The majority of my free time is spent endlessly browsing on youtube or Instagram. Of course, I have homework, but I usually avoid it as much as possible.

    The biggest problem the internet cuases for me, is the instant gratification. Why should I work hard to gain skills/interests to impress a girl and eventually have sex, when I can simply binge porn and get an effortless orgasm. The same thing goes for other areas of life. Instead of reading a book or learning guitar, I can get easy dopamine hits everytime I click on an interesting post or video.

    I've made efforts to change this before. I started doing quick workouts in my basement every day, after two weeks I had completely forgotten about the goal. I started learning guitar, just by spending five minutes everyday practicing, of course I lost motivation to do this in less than a month. I can't even motivate myself to finish a book. I want this to be my last attempt and I want to improve myself permanently.

    With my porn usage getting worse and worse, I've been feeling more and more pathetic and guilty. I feel like I'm stuck being lazy and unmotivated. It's time to do something with my life.

    - Find a job
    - Start to consistently practice guitar
    - Try stand up comedy.
    - Eventually start working out, fix posture
    - Spend a small amount of time reading every day.
    - No MO for 30 day goal, no PMO at all.

    I've posted this same introduction on the under 20 forum, I'll be doing a daily log there.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Mallett

    Mallett Fapstronaut

    Hi transformation456

    would like to welcome you to the forum. i too started looking at porn at a young age and i had a big problem with motivation which affected my life in much the same way as you. couldnt concentrate on much more than a book or telly. did really poorly at school too. i wasnt friendly either... ithink that had alot to do with porn masturbation. there is a webpage which is really technical and i had to struggle to get most of it, but it says that porn masturbation is clinically proven to lower motivation, it even scrambles the part of your brain that deals with motivation and concentration. takes a few days to recover from it too. gonna post the link to it here. good luck in life matey.
  3. I'll check that out, but yeah it hits you the hardest when you're young, it's definitely been screwing me over when it comes to school work, and socializing. Thanks for the welcome post.

    Hope you achieve your goals.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  4. Really appreciate the encouragement. What you said about meeting the older version of myself reminds me of a Muhumadd Ali qoute: "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." I'm not saying I'm a boxer or anything, but you can use this same principle and apply it to kicking lazyness and porn (especially porn). It won't be easy at first, but it'll pay off in the future when I look back to the past and ask myself if I'm a better person.

    Best of luck on your journy.
    Deleted Account likes this.