Unloading. Tread carefully, there may be triggers.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by heregoes, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. heregoes

    heregoes Fapstronaut

    Hey all. My name is Erik, and I finally realized I had a problem. I mean, since I'm here, you also know with what.

    Thing is, I didn't realize until today that it even WAS a problem. I'll put my discussion of what pushed me here under a spoiler tag, because I really don't want anyone to find a word or anything triggering, we're all here for the same reason.
    If you feel even the slightest chance of having a problem with reading this post, do NOT open the spoiler! Delete this if it is deemed to inappropriate. I just want to open up for real, sharing the gritty details.

    A few days ago while browsing my usual neighborhoods, I came across a gif referencing the term 'goon'. I was confused, but the gif was hot.

    Lo and behold, I got mired in the most depraved shit I've ever experienced, and it felt GOOD. I LIKED it. Funny thing is, what got me off the most was the humiliation of my porn addiction. Good thing is, it made me realize I actually HAD an addiction.

    I was supposed to prep for a DnD session with my mates today, but wasted half the time with my newfound addiction. And when I finally sat down, I realize how apathetic and unmotivated I was. There was just no motivation.

    I then watched a truly wholesome movie, The Lego Movie 2, and realized again... I was thinking about porn while watching it. I mean it was a great movie, but I just couldn't focus.

    The final straw was just now, half an hour ago, as I was masturbating, one gif referenced this very site, making a snide remark of intentionally making people from here relapse.

    Well, half an hour later, I'd wiped 9000+ porn pics off my hard drive and scrubbed their traces as best I could, and sent a thank you message to the poster of that gif before cleaning my history.

    And now I'm here. Hope you'll have me.

    Now, in conclusion, it's not like I don't have any friends. I may not have many, but enough. I just planned a get-together with one of my best friends who I haven't seen in a while, and I set up a deviant art account to start sharing my art, hopefully getting more motivated to do so when I no longer make inappropriate stuff.

    I want to start getting in shape and I have a neck injury that I have been neglecting to properly care for. Not expecting it all to go along immediately, but they're goals.

    If there is anyone out there that read my spoiler and feels similar, I'd love to hear from you and share some of your experiences with the program and how it's worked.

    Good luck yall, stay strong and fight on.
  2. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button | Day Counter | Rebooting Resources | Forum Rules | Glossary

    If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    You can also take part in one of the many challenges available. It can be a tremendous help. Challenges

    Also, there are groups you can also join if you wish to do so. You can browse through them here. Groups

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  3. Heyyy welcome to the NoFap forum : ) It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!

    Here is just some advice:

    First and foremost please take a look at each section in the forum, there might be something(s) you may find of big help to you. Feel free to post there :+)

    Then secondly I just strongly advise you to be active on your profile(as there quite a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then make daily status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement. They've also got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see. People will find your profile and give you encouragement/support.

    People (are beginning to) love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive talk. It would be great to have you join in and support others in the threads, profiles, and journal, we could always use your help and in return you shall receive some as well!

    Thirdly, You should also highly consider creating a public journal and write about your days in more depth for us members to followalong your journey and offer support to you by way of posting in your journal.

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
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