Welcome to this forum section. It was set up in May of 2018 to differentiate between recovery and people who intend to reduce orgasm for personal reasons outside of recovery.
What belongs here:
What doesn't belong here:
Note that NoFap doesn't advocate for retention, but this forum is being set up as a place for such threads to go since the topic has gained some popularity in recent years.
What belongs here:
- Discussion about sexual transmutation
- Discussion about the history of semen retention or other orgasm-withholding measures
- Not having sex for secular reasons (religious threads belong in their respective religious group)
- Abstaining from masturbation or moderating masturbation (abstaining, retention) for non-addiction-recovery purposes (confidence, energy levels, etc)
- Techniques for reducing orgasm frequency
- Discussion about non-orgasmic sexual practices such as karezza
What doesn't belong here:
- Religious content (religious threads belong in their respective religious group)
- Discussion about addiction (see the porn addiction section, or problematic sexual behavior section)
Note that NoFap doesn't advocate for retention, but this forum is being set up as a place for such threads to go since the topic has gained some popularity in recent years.