What is true happiness?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Namekian23, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I like your train of thought, but you're still lacking a few things. You must really understand the person's entire point before you make even the most justified assumptions that you claim to have. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I'm going to tell you what I think. First of all, I would agree that life is unfair, but can you blame me or anyone else in my situation? Also, I've gone through more than most of the people I know, mentally and physically. And for them to be have less suffering in their lives, yet still be happier gives me the impression that life is indeed unfair.

    Second of all, I've already exceeded my expectations mainly because they were brought upon me since the day I was born. I've done things for my family while being torn between finding myself in an American society and my own cultural background. I'm a high school dropout, but not your typical one. I graduated with honors and dual majors, am one of the best coworkers at my workplace, am admired my family members, friends, and even mentors alike. I've exceeded what most people, most "failures" could not do. In fact, I'm more successful than my younger brothers and close friends, yet they are happier. So why am I not happy? Can you explain that to me?

    Furthermore, I don't agree that people don't expect much from me, because I've done everything they asked for. I try to be a good son, a caring friend, and a good coworker. Not to mention, a valuable member of a Buddhist temple. I'm doing all the right things, am I not? I'm not doing drugs, raping people, or committing crimes. I'm doing what a "good" person is supposed to do, yet I'm still unhappy.

    In my case, it has little to do with expectations with me or anyone else, because I've already exceeded far beyond my expectations to the point where I almost lost my mind. Too many expectations can exhaust the human body and mind. My only solution is to not focus on expectations or exceeding. I've searched for happiness externally, but nothing's working. I have everything I need from a house to live in to a huge support system. The only place where I haven't looked is from within, and maybe I need to discover myself. I've lost my identity being stuck between the Asian and American cultures. Much of my unhappiness is caring for my family while everyone else is going to college to experiencing their freedom. Maybe I need to move out. Maybe I need some time to myself, and not have to worry about anything else but me.
    LimitlessTman likes this.
  2. Worthyofstanding2

    Worthyofstanding2 Fapstronaut

    This question is completely un answerable because it adapts to everyone's personality and experiences (past and new)

    For example what I think is true happiness is being a great actor and making everyone else happy and raising a wonderful family. However, in the future maybe I'll say fuck it all, go on Jeremy Kyle and overdose on heroin and say that's true happiness.

    My definition of true happiness is basically making others entertained and partake in the wonderful race of humanity.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  3. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    This is by far the shittiest definition of true happiness I've ever heard. Why would or should happiness be based on your ability to entertain others? lol Fuck other people. Why shouldn't you be entertained? Are you a monkey sent here to entertain people? That's just silly. Happiness is like rays of sunshine that come down when you're feelin' blue. That would have made for a better argument. lol
  4. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Happiness is not something to be sought. We were all happy at one time. But we learned how to be unhappy.
    Headspace and Namekian23 like this.
  5. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Give a lab rat all its material needs and it is happy. We are not lab rats. Therefore, the aim of human life is not mere happiness.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  6. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Happiness to me is able to find/discover what excites me. From that is where the path leads to my passion and purpose. The ability and freedom to live formlessly, push my limits, assault the common ground whenever I can and to leave my comfort zone. As long I can live life like this I am fine. The money aspect will come on its own because that is how I can become an idea machine.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  7. LimitlessTman

    LimitlessTman Fapstronaut

    I thought more about this as I worked this afternoon and I knew I would get some feedback. I realize that it takes so much more than just this to be happy, but I do believe that you cannot be happy without the things I talked about. I meant no offense, it's just some observations of unhappy people and I will say this, whether life is fair or not is beyond our control. It's a fact and sometimes it sucks, but dwelling on it only brings disappointment. I have had so many good things happen that I didn't deserve, and right now life is taking a giant shit on me, but I will get through. I am a happy and for the most part successful person, but circumstances have put me at a low point in my life. Maybe it is what brought me to this forum, which is definitely a silver lining. I wish I knew the answers, nothing would make me happier than to see all of you happy. One thing I do know, those that set out only to find happiness rarely do. Real joy is never found in a bottle, needle, adrenalin rush, dopamine rush or piece of cake. Highs are temporary and they don't sustain us. I just remembered an old article I read once here is the link.
  8. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I take some of the things I said back as well. As of now, I'm just going through a stage in my life where I'm trying to find out who I really am. I didn't mean to say these things...However, I must realize that this won't get any better if I sit here and complain about my problems (something I've done one too many times). I can't say I will be like this forever; life does has its highs and lows. At least that's something we can all look forward to. In the mean time, I think I need to take a different path. I'd rather have my own expectations and reasons for succeeding based on my own terms.

    I do have a clear mind of what they are, and I look forward to accomplishing them. You do have a point on expectations; it's better to take responsibility, commitment, and determination on accomplishing what you want and not what others want or seem to want of you. I've made others happy when in reality, I really didn't had to. But I'm going to have my own life now, and I don't need to meet others' expectations to make myself happy anymore. As long as I'm doing the right things without jeopardizing others' lives or even their dignity, then that's something to be truly happy about.
    LimitlessTman likes this.
  9. Worthyofstanding2

    Worthyofstanding2 Fapstronaut

    Take a chill pill jesus. It makes ME happy to entertain people through acting. That's what true happiness is for me.
    Phibz likes this.
  10. Good explanation. I agree with.life became hectic when I started judging everything around including myself.but when I see most happy and satisfied people are one-who live in present and accept things as they are.its all about balancing our imagination and reality to a healthy level.