what other hobbies do you have, that you can focus your time on instead of pmo-ing?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Spike, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Want something better

    Want something better Fapstronaut

    My hobbies are learning Russian, exercising (losing weight), amateur astronomy.

    Two of these are outdoor activities which makes them great. Unfortunately, learning the foreign language is right on my PC or tablet.
  2. HoneyBadger

    HoneyBadger Fapstronaut

    I fly rc-planes and try to make a list of activities for the next day. Works kinda ok. I have however started 6 days ago. Oh! I'm going to start running tomorrow, will give me some energy.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  3. AC81

    AC81 Banned

    I'm with you guys. Most of you think of running or creating something and this is exactly what I think is the best thing for us. To create. The reason why videogames is a trap, I think, is because you are a part of something that is virtual so you develop skills in a game, but once you turn off the computer, xbox, PS or whatever, it's gone, it's not yours anymore.
    Playing an intrument is excellent. Writting is excellent. Running is a very good way to help ourselves use our sexual energy to better ourselves and be more confident and fit.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm a musician, poet and filmaker. I also do taekwondo. Just go my black belt this year.
    Sorry for the mistakes, I'm french.
  4. Sammy

    Sammy New Fapstronaut

    I am in desperate need of a new hobby! I have a few hobbies at the moment but I am looking for a quiet and engaging task to do in the evenings when I get in and have finished dinner and domestic stuff (when the loneliness really kicks in). Something with a sense of achievement at the end - rather than just 'busy-work'. I am really stumped since I am not creative or artistic in any way.

    I asked a mate and he (slightly jokingly) sent me a link to a page on how to fold an origami fish. So I now own a slightly wonky goldfish.

    My search continues...
  5. CBMWT

    CBMWT Fapstronaut

    1. Studying the New Testament from a historical critical approach
    2. Running
    3. Reading
    4. Watching ALOT of college football
    5. Studying (I'm a senior in college)
  6. boundtoramble

    boundtoramble New Fapstronaut

    I've always been interested in alot of things but i never developed the dedication necessary to seriously pursue them. I realize now that many of those times i was unconsciously (although sometimes i was also conscious of it) trying to find something (healthy) to replace my addictions.

    - I've played guitar for 15 years or so now, but i can definitely be more focused and dedicated with my playing.
    - 1 year ago i started working out (mostly calisthenics) and i'm in better shape but i sometimes neglect my training, i need to improve that
    - I really want to learn another language, i've been thinking about mandarin, although i realize the difficulty of it.
    - I love basketball, but i never play it now. I really need to go shoot some hoops.
    - And finally, i'm trying to start listening to classical music. I think i've always had a slight prejudice towards it (feel that the music was snobby and elitist) and never really had the patience to listen to it, which is something i believe it will help me with, developing patience to learn and appreciate things.
  7. -DS-

    -DS- Fapstronaut

    Gym is my main one. Lifting kept me sane on numerous occasions.
    My other hobbies are: Japanese, photography, music, movies, meditation and for the last two months learning music theory because I wanna learn to play a piano.
  8. VivaLaPunk

    VivaLaPunk Fapstronaut

    I like to make beats and write music. Making songs puts me in a completely different zone and puts everything else on the side. I've been working out too which will hopefully keep me away from a fapping environment. I'm also starting to collect movies which may be home to a lot of possible triggers, but gotta face your fears head on right?
  9. DrTito

    DrTito Fapstronaut

    Start playing video games/watching TV more (whatever helps me not PMO)
    Read more as well
    Work on a beat that I found online
    Exercise more
    Hang out with friends
  10. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    1. Currently im learning German (English is my not native language, also i speak Russian and bit of Hungarian)
    2. Learning javascript
    3. Watching documentaries
    4.Work out every day. One day pushups and weight, other day abs.

    This helps allot.
  11. theMadHatter

    theMadHatter New Fapstronaut

    I could have LOTS of stuff to do insteand of whacking off all day.

    1. Composing music (yes I work as a freelance film composer, but I haven't been pursuing any projects due to loss of motivation and procrastination.)
    2. Playing music, practising (I play the piano, guitar, bass guitar, drums and many ethnic /traditional instruments, I haven't practiced for almost a year)
    3. Reading, I literally have hundreds of books I want to read, many of them are already next to me on my bookshelf.
    4. Working out, before being dragged down by porn addiction and gaining an excess amount of weight (I'm 6' 3" and 275 pounds now, used to be a ripped 198 ) I loved doing martial arts, running, squash and weight lifting
    5. Improving my French, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish language skills (yep I used to study them)

    the ones above are only the "hobbies" not my goals, or things I want to do/achieve in a long term

    sorry for my bad english btw...
  12. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Funny, just wanted to post about the same thing, except for that I don't yet earn money from music (and would never want to, tbh). Perhaps the good news for you will be that, at least in my case, the "creative energy" we artists so long for, is gradually returning with the second week of PMO abstinence. Don't know what your progress is, but keep it up.
  13. Artist

    Artist Fapstronaut

    I write books and film scripts, so you musically gifted people may come in handy one day! :D

    Other than that, I guess all my hobbies fall under the 'creative' heading. I love any type of art (traditional painting, sketching, animation, digital art, illustration). But writing is something I hope to do professionally. I have so many projects on the go. Several already completed (although never had the guts to sign up with an agent or attempt to get anything published). I'd also love to get into directing at some point later down the line. I've been to various film festivals (purely as a writer), and took a couple of classes by accident that covered acting and film from a director's POV. Loved every second! I have no desire to act, but would enjoy managing the creation of a film from start to finish. I've done a lot of project management work in non-creative industries and think I'd enjoy combining those skills with something creative. It's just a pipe dream for later on though. Right now I want to focus on writing/art - my twin babies!
  14. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    these are a list of my hobbies, some i focus on more than others but i do them all

    bird carving
  15. insa80

    insa80 Fapstronaut

    Reading and exercising (running especially!) I'm pretty boring. I'm really involved in church if that counts as a hobby!
  16. gigagrave

    gigagrave Fapstronaut

    -video games (too bad they have a lot of triggers so i play safe games only)
    -working out
    -watching decumentaries
    - i want to travel somewhere but i'm afraid i may find a lot of triggers.
  17. Fapsterix

    Fapsterix New Fapstronaut

    Hiking is my main hobby, though I haven't done much of it for the last 2 years since I started a physically demanding job. I've been blaming my job for my reduced energy levels, but now realise that daily fapping can't be helping either! Having started a 30 day challenge today it will be interesting to see what happens...
  18. NoMoreRelapses

    NoMoreRelapses Fapstronaut

  19. rideoffintosunset

    rideoffintosunset Fapstronaut

    1 riding / maintianing my motorcycle (at 40mph/64 kmh sex will be last thing on your mind)
    2 video games
    3 going to gym
    4 cleaning up the house it never ends
    5 yard work
    6 play basketball
  20. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut


    I have recently taken up running [jogging].

    I like weightlifting but haven't been extremely consistant.

    Working a lot of hours sure soaks up a lot of time too!