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What was you lot taught at school??

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Lakekid, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Lakekid

    Lakekid Fapstronaut

    Hows it going people?

    Thought I'd start this post as it may help some of you think and also will tell you how I started this fap thing.

    Now, im not sure what part of the world all of you are from but at my school (from the ages 9 - 11) we had sex education classes.

    NOW, I can specifically remember the dvd we watched (VHS Then) saying you can fap as much as you want whenever u want and its VERY GOOD for you! Infact they said it will make you a happier person! Now, being at such a young age I tookthat on board..

    I thought DAMNm something that felt THAT good was actually benefiting me. So I began faping once or twice a day.

    Then my mum, had the internet installed when i was about 13, and thats when the fapping got more intense. I mean it still stayed at like 1 or 2 times a day but its safe to say i was addicted to it!

    Now im not blaming my school fully on this, but i do believe if they didnt state that its VERY good t fap all the time i may have not had this problem for so long.

    Just an interesting thought,

    please reply guys with your thoughts!

  2. JRMK

    JRMK New Fapstronaut

    Well, I think that you have a point. Although in my case, the sex ed classes weren't the cause of my masturbation/porn-watching. But they could have somehow justified my actions - like I could say to myself, that it is completely normal, everybody does it, it's not dangerous and won't have any negative effects etc.
  3. crushurcravings

    crushurcravings Fapstronaut

    Sex education in school is extremely out-dated. You shouldn't apply it to real life at all. A large portion of the medical world doesn't even acknowledge that compulsive porn use can turn into an actual addiction or that excessive masturbation shouldn't be good for you (excessive masturbation = death grip etc.)

    So yah, there's not really any chance the people making sex ed videos or the teachers at school will be educated on the subject at all. Sexuality is way too dynamic of a subject for that.
  4. dylan.thomas

    dylan.thomas Fapstronaut

    I went to a Christian school during my high schooling years and there were no sex-ed classes, I guess being a religious school many people there were celibate. And the ones who weren't, most likely learnt from general life experience.

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