Why I Need To Stop With The Fapping! Attempt 1 - Day 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by benjamin franklin, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. benjamin franklin

    benjamin franklin New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys or even gals,

    My name is........private. You can call me Ben! And recently I have decided that I need to cut out porn and masturbation entirely from my life! I have been in a fantastic relationship with my girlfriend for about six years now and not one of those years has been porn free! when we first started going out, I told her that i wasn't into stuff like that because she was pretty and who would really tell a potential date that they wank off to pictures of naked women that aren't her? But as all women do eventually, she found out. This was six months into our relationship and she found my porn stash in my room. She was heartbroken. Well, heartbroken is an understatement! She was crushed! Mentally destroyed! I had ground her self esteem into a fine powder and threw it into the wind. I felt terrible for what i did and promised her that i would never do it again! Fast forward five years later and she has caught me another three or four times after that; each time killing her even more. There were several times in that six years where i would go for over a two week period without masturbating, but i would always be looking at pictures. This is very depressing for me because i identify as a strong advocate for feminism. I wholeheartedly believe that what i am doing by supporting these kinds of sexual representations of them is hurting the female population. My actions are hurting many people and i am not proud of it. Me and my girlfriend believe that looking at porn is a form of cheating. If you cant do it with your significant other in the room, it is cheating. You are devoting that time and those feeling to someone other than your significant other. Your beliefs may be different, but these are mine. And i have cheated on my loving girlfriend far far too many times. I Have tried so many things to stop but every thing just doesn't work! I am hoping that by talking about it on here i can significantly reduce the amount of times that my infidelities occur; if not wipe them out completely!

    Thank's For listening!


    P.S. my apologies for the shitty writing. i've never been too good at capitalizing and punctuation!
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014