Working for yourself.. and depression

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by R2DToy, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    Heya guys.

    Anyone here suffering from a degree of depression while owning a business, freelancing or anything similar? I've started many websites, purchased domains, did all kinds of online marketing stuff, but my passion lies with creating video games, and I feel I could be earning money from it, aside of it being a hobby.

    It's just that these episodes of depression and negativity block everything in your path from time to time. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this unusual combination.

    I've even been thinking of working less hours, I mean I will be able to live less of a comfortable life, but at least I will get more time, enough time to rest, and time to develop games. I also really hate working for some boss. It's the obligation that bothers me.. get up at 07:00, be there at 08:00, do stuff you don't like doing, go home and do it again tomorrow, the day after, etc. month after month year after year!

    I don't need to be instantly making thousands every month, for now the goal would be to supplement the money that I would normally earn from the hours I would work less and build it up from there.

    But of course, you need to be able to persistently work on your business. Or at least that's how I look it at it... feel free to comment.
  2. See the ideal thing for you would be to do a simple job to keep a roof over your head. (But this job also needs to be easy enough so that you can work on your video game creation side of passion without much trouble.) And work on your passion project on the side. When it becomes big enough, you can ditch the placeholder job and devote yourself entirely to it.
  3. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    Thanks. It's what I'm currently already doing, I already work parttime, it's just these episodes that bother me the most. I've now been able to 're-arrange' my work days as I think that will be better for me. I was just wondering if anyone else has been able to become 'successful' in business in general whilst suffering from depression. Seems unlikely as I write this, but I perhaps if you also have enough 'good' episodes it could still happen.