Worth the challenge? Erection problem


Hi guys,

Actually I'm looking for advice before I start the challenge. I already did some attempts (longest one was about one month) In the past two years I noticed that it's harder to get an erection, especially a fully hard one. Before that I didn't have any trouble, I just took my hand and got an erection in a couple of seconds. The problem is staying in my head for a while now and it makes me quite uncertain when it comes to sexual experience.

Some background information: I'm 21 years old and am used two watching porn twice a day (evening and night) and ejaculate for two times as well, sometimes even more. I've been doing this since I was about the the age of 13 I think. Since three years I also installed Instagram where I follow content with half nudity, which made it easy to have a look at a few times a day without mastrubating. The thing is that I don't really mastrubate(d) as other people do, instead I rubbed my penis when I was laying on my belly while watching porn. I think that this habit has took it's toll and now messed up my horniness and the ability to get an (full) erection. N.b. Ejaculation is still possible, without having a fully hard penis.

It is not that isn't possible for me to get an erection, but it is much harder and when I try really hard I fail in the end. Even when I was with a partner it let me down. (Ocassionally I did get an erection in fact, however it didn't last long enough or wasn't intense enough to have sex) Now I'm more worried that it will happen again in the future.

Like I said, I already tried it maybe three times, with the longest one for about a month. The P side isn't the hardest part (sometimes tend to have a look at Instagram), M & O temptations are coming in after a couple of days. Now I'm wondering if it will help me improve my penis, I think my penis has become a lot older than the rest of my body through all this. I don't smoke, don't drink, run about twice a week and have the correct weight for my length. I am not planning on using non-natural solutions.

Anyone has some advice for me? I would really appreciate it!

I tried to be fully honest with you, in order to get the best advice. If you need additional information, feel free to ask.
Welcome to the community.
Yes, this will help you. Keep reading and learning and start to make your plan.
This is not easy but you can do this.
Even if you have some doubt (your brain trying to convince yourself you don't need to stop), do you think quiting will hurt you.
There is a lot of experience here, use it.
You can do this.
Mr.M I have been a porn addict for over 50 yrs over the past few years I have had a problem staying hard when having sex with my wife, I couldn't cum either through penetration or when she gave me head, I could only cum when I masturbated with her. I thought it was because i was getting older. But I would get up early in the morning go into my office watch porn and cum 2 or 3 time 5 or 6 times a week with no problem.
It wasn't until recently that I realized that I was a porn addict and the effect it was having on me and my relationship with my wife. I started the 90 day no PMO almost 40 days ago and my desire for porn has dropped tremendously. But I still get the urges go get on my computer and go to some of my favorite sites, but instead I come here and read the forums and give out a little advice here and there. I am doing this to build back some of my self esteem and for a better trusting relationship with my wife. Good luck, I think that you will see a big improvement on getting and keeping a harder erection.
Thank you for your reply traveler2! So far I'm doing good and I'm devasted to reach the 90 day goal. 40 days is a lot, you seem to have the right mindset, keep up the good work!