You Know What? Fucking Video Games

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Knight Solaire, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. I've played Starcraft 2 once and loved it. Is there a solo mode? I hate multiplayer. Cuz I always lose :p And what's Total War about? Ohhhh, and I forgot, I've finished Diablo 2 like, 15 times. And Oblivion and Morrowind too, naturally. I even cracked the Daedra alphabet all by myself, using the cover of the game as a reference :') Good old days! And I never had the chance to finish Pokemon yellow and Animal Crossing's, which is actually a big bummer. Duh. And the same goes for Final Fantasy 1 and 2... Oh my God I actually miss those games so much. I did finished the IV and V though. T'was fun. On DS, I recall.
  2. Jalus

    Jalus Fapstronaut

    "Morrowind was my introduction to fantasy gaming. It is, and will always be, my home away from home."

    I borrowed that quote from some user on another forum, but that script was on my heart as well.

    But I really just wanted to post so I could mention Far Cry: Blood Dragon. I was just playing a few hours and, well, spit in a bucket and call me Lucy, hot damn that's a fun game! It most absurdly does not take it's self seriously and the number of 80's references and parodies is so hilarious. Gosh, I'm looking forward to getting back on it. :D

    But, my porn struggle was itching, so that's why I'm on here instead of playing.
  3. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    No arguing intended, I just find him a bit callous is all
  4. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    about 5 years ago i started playing WOW with my brother. i played 4 months extrem intense. my brother had no job and i had no job - we played WOW like maniacs (5 hours sleep 19 hours gaming).

    after 4 months i realized that this game is real poison - in my dreams i was riding tigers and living in stormwind. i stopped playing. but my poor brother could not stop. now he is extrem addicted. he cant stop playing that game. meantime he is a real pro. if he lose battles he gets nervous breackdowns.

    i tried to speak with him about this game-addiction. but he is not listening. he lives in stormwind. his real life is there. damn! :)

    by the way my main character was a mighty warrior (ok he was not so mighty i stopped playing at level70).

    imagine two guys sitting in a dark room in front of computers with headphones and playing WOW like there is no tomorrow - and the room is full with pizza-boxes. pizza was our only feeding. somehow like lab-monkeys.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
  5. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    That's a interesting story monkotto, I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Wow is extremly addictive and that's why blizzard makes so much money off of it. I am glad you were able to over come it. Good luck with your nofap adventure
  6. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut


    wow is a really fascinating game. it has no end and the map is so huge. the battlegrounds are insane. but it is really like heroin (someone said that already). i never played a game like wow before. sometimes i am thinking about my human warrior - how he is riding with his tiger in the forest around stormwind. :)

    now serious - wow is a time-killer! and it is like porn an escape from real world.

    there are many similarities between excessive video game playing and porn watching. in both you are diving into a fake world. porn is more destroying.
  7. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    WoW got me for 6 months back in highschool. I didn't get into raids. I would just complete the missions solo as a little dwarf hunter and explore the map lol.
  8. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Fucking Destiny sent a friend of mine one of the new Exotic weapons just because he hadn't been on in a week or so. They are trying to create a addictive community lmao
  9. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Dude, raids were the life stealer. I mean getting to max level took alot of time, but acquiring tier gear and raiding were like hooks sunk deep into your soul...
  10. CrazyGopher

    CrazyGopher Fapstronaut

    WoW got me for a while back in college. A life stealer for sure. Incredibly addictive and totally pointless.
  11. spike1899

    spike1899 Fapstronaut

    One game I'd highly recommend is Journey for PS3 or PS4. It's quite a relaxing game to play. Heck it helps to play it just to get a look at yourself in a new light, and how you interact with other people. It's really hard to explain what it's like without really experiencing it yourself, but the short form is you come in contact with another player during the game, and you can communicate only with chirps. You don't have a clue who the other person is until the Journey is completed. Give it a go, see what you think!
  12. whatvidone

    whatvidone Fapstronaut

    Dark souls :) Over time i've realize that it is a play on our dark souls, and our fading humanity.
  13. Gamer42

    Gamer42 Fapstronaut

    While I do think it's important to not be addicted to fapping, I don't think it's that great to cover it up with something that's also possibly addicting like video games
  14. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    This thread isn't for people to "cover up" their fapping addiction with video games. It's just a thread to talk about something people are interested in. If I would have noticed anyone with addictive behavior towards video games then I would have either took this down or talked to them about their addiction immediately.

    I would also like to point out that the phrase "possibly addictive" could apply to any activity that includes repeated usage of a certain product or tool in order to reach the same outcome or similar ones. You can be addicted to almost everything.
  15. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Ask Mugatu

    You don't see too many studies/articles saying that porn can improve brain function now do you?

    Not all potentially addictive activities are created equal Gamer42.

    But you raise a good point, there is always a risk of switching addictions. Moderation is the key here.

    Or so says my kinkajou Professor Mugatu:

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  16. Razielcreed

    Razielcreed Fapstronaut

    Hah same here :D
  17. NotALoserAnymore

    NotALoserAnymore Fapstronaut

    I have played a lot or rather stupid games, but ultimately I am enjoying playing GMod. It's fun to spit out your creativity: I managed to make a mech that moves on my commands. Much better than most games that limit players to few actions, but it' s just my opinion, so it may stink to some of you.
  18. Jonnyjoe

    Jonnyjoe Fapstronaut

    I enjoy playing Fifa , ma fav team is Arsenal , like COD , metal gear vengeance but ma badass game of all time is got be DMC , i meant the recent one ,i think they should rename that genre from 'beat em up ' to 'overbeating em up' lol
  19. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    Thought the thread was 'F*** Video Games' implying this was about quitting video games. I'd slightly go nuts!

    Anyway I've been really huge on a lot of art-driven video games as of late.

    Child of Light... Such a beautiful watercolor-rendered game, and a simple but heart-clenching story.

    Banner Saga is another. The animation shares the quality of classic 2D animations. The plot is very compelling too, and I'm looking forward as to how my actions in this game will carry over to the next, which is still in production!
  20. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    also: Final Fantasy Fanatic here