You must be consumed by desire.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Mar 30, 2023.

  1. We recover from this artificial game we are being used to play. We know what’s raw and real, the true beauty isn’t in that porn. It isn’t even in imaging women sexually, the passion to me is all consuming. I don’t want to be alone, In fact I completely refuse to give up. I know everyone can be competition, other men have what I offer too. So what chance would I have being normal? Spreading myself out thin and just ultimately losing it all. I can’t live like that, it doesn’t work, I find no passion in the system. Passion is what you are born with, the seeds to grow into a beautiful standing tree. Rooting you to life and allowing you to grow beyond it and spread out. Beauty is beautiful because it is compelling. I’m even sickened that these women make themselves after an image. Covering their natural beauty for something we made up. It’s a shame because I don’t care about make up, I don’t care how you smell either. It shouldn’t matter as we aren’t meant to be clean and polished. You are an animal deep down, it is completely abnormal to feel such hopelessness so early in life. For your brain to be so worn out that everything is shit. That isn’t the truth, if you believe it to be, then your life will always look and feel like shit. It’s up to you everyday to decide why you are still here. If you want a girl, if you really want to be with someone for the right reasons. Stop buying into this shit, these loser guys spouting off because she didn’t stick around. Look at yourself, be careful how you speak. If women are cruel creatures who only wish to suck the life out of you. Then you can’t turn around and want them for sex. It doesn’t work like that, jerking off is like hiding under your bed. When are you gonna understand that we have been lied to so much. Filled with such hatred for no reason, made to feel like we are all against each other. I hate the news, I hate social media, and I hate porn. No question, it’s all the same machine laughing at you indulge yourself. Telling you to drink up and take some pills that you don’t even understand. Damn right I might be crazy, soon I may be on the streets due to lifes crashing waves. So be it, they can take it all away from you. Poke you over and over until most of us just give up. Are you gonna give up? When you do just forget being a person anymore. Hold out your hands and allow yourself to be led no matter if you like it or not. I’m so worried brothers, my anger isn’t with any of you. It’s this awful machine spinning us dizzy, warping our beautiful minds to mush. Please know that this is truth, we aren’t feeling this way for nothing. Please stop watching that filth, realize it’s just one more pushing us closer to the cliff. I have someone I love and will love for my entire life. My fate is sealed even if I can’t even spend a day with her. If I turn my back now I will dispose of myself as I recommend to everyone. Do not remain a parasite, do not tolerate these kind of people. Take it in your hands, show that passion for life inside. You should hate anyone who wants to take it away. You should be enraged by it, if not be prepared to share. Just let people steal, let people walk on you and disrespect. What a way to live, you need to do something just as I do. I’m not leaving this life in tears, I wish to live as long as I’m able. To one day stare down the barrel of my fate, it would be an honor to die with pride, with my passion flooding the earth.