6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    That would be great!
  2. MagoriumsEmporium

    MagoriumsEmporium Fapstronaut

    See, I believe that PMO may have caused my numerous health problems, but I'm noticing a trend with a lot of these success stories and the people who tell the stories don't even acknowledge it. Before nearly every improvement, he mentions that he excersised or started taking care of his body. He says he had problems because excessive PMO messes with the organs and stuff, but then he says he quit maturation and started taking care of his body and practicing (somthing, I forget the name and I'm too lazy to scroll up) and he eventually felt better. Well, how do we know PMO had anything to do with it, what if it was just the exercise and taking care of the body. Like I said, I myself suspect PMO caused many issues, it's just that whenever I look for validation, I see things like this. "I quit PMO and started eating healthy, exercising and meditating and I felt better", so I just wonder how much of it was pmo and how much was just the other habits. If anyone has any or knows of any success stories involving health issues that cleared up solely from nofap, I'd love to hear them, so please share
    Dexter Moran and Dank24 like this.
  3. This thread is amazing and rich with good information! I'm taking notes in my notebook. Also, that Tai Chi stretch mentioned in here a couple of times works great!
    Dank24 likes this.
  4. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    can anyone goin through this . sexual conditioning to women on screen/images. i been rebooting this for 3 yrs but sexual conditioning part doest get better . whenever i see women on screen/ pics i get sensation in penis but no arousal from real women .
    its a big issue can this be reversed
  5. Hi Rexbrandt,

    I really don't know why this occurs to you, or to anyone else. I'm afraid I too have had to contend with this issue. Maybe it's because screen/images are edited so much. The women in the media are often there because of their physical attributes. This combined with make up, photo shopping and filming techniques makes them more attractive than their real life counterparts.
    We also have to remember; that famous women are also surgically altered to be more sexy. This happens in main stream entertainment as well as the porn industry. Frankly, nowadays it is difficult to distinguish between the two! I for one will reflect on your post. If I can think of any remedies I will post them on this thread.

    Good luck comrade!
  6. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    I think your problem is similar to porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED).
    People can heal PIED through rebooting so I think you can too. I've read about neuroplasticity where brain can change overtime.

    If this is your only issue, maybe instead of classic rebooting (no PMO) you should:
    - abstain from porn and masturbation
    - cut off entirely looking at women on screen/social media
    - be around more, get intimate with your girlfriend/ wife (real woman)

    Good luck, friend!
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  7. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    You need to do breathing exercises before bed (Wim Hof Method is good). You also need to do transmutation breathing.
    For willpower work on keeping your attention on a sound ( a ticking clock etc) during meditation for gradually longer periods of time every single day.
    Mr. Monk likes this.

  8. I’ve done similar meditation methods especially focusing on the breath and music. It hasn’t seem to done much but it calms my mind a whole lot for sure. I’ve also done trance meditation where you stare at a object and zone out, I’ve done this before and it was surprisingly working. I’ve also done trateka and third eye, but I’ve been neglecting to do those for a long time.
  9. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    For meditation to have a chance of being truly effective we have to do it every single day for the rest of our lives. Imagine how strong your willpower can become if you commit to doing this, along with the breathing exercises and transmutation.
    Mr. Monk and Dexter Moran like this.
  10. Hi Icewarrior,
    you write "for meditation to have a chance of being truly effective we have to do it every single day for the rest of our lives." The failure to do so has been a major impediment for me. That is it has been with regards to my inability to achieve abstinence from PMO.
    I have for a long time been aware of the "32 parts of the Body Meditation." But through sloth and indiscipline; I have not been able to sustain a daily program. I reset my daily counter today. This was for approximately the five hundredth time. Frankly the only way I will achieve sobriety,is to commit to a sustained period of daily meditations! For anyone interested in the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation, please click on the link below.


    Good luck Comrades!
    Icewarrior and Mr. Monk like this.
  11. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

  12. I never knew there was a program for 32 parts of the body, now I am definitely interested. During my sessions I usually just focus on my Chakras or how my inner body sounds/external. It's like when you go more longer you feel more calm and serenity. 45 minutes is usually a good ticket to start.
  13. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the link! I’ll check it out. If we can muster the energy to keep on looking at porn etc. then we can find the time and energy to meditate.
    Buddhabro2.0 and Dexter Moran like this.
  14. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    screw porn as I relapsed for over a month... dozenz of orgasms. At grocery store yesterday I felt some bigger guy walking like almost through me, I was afraid. Its a sad place to be. Its like I either live like a saint or a sinner. I think usage of porn is triggered by caffeine and alcohol with me. I relapsed due to reading a post on reddit, on a normal forum just turned out that the dude was asking for fun places... that were swinger clubs. Pathethic. Then it was a down spiral. I was about to beat my record 120 days (I had 86 days) and yet here I am back to square f. one... I hate it.
    MagoriumsEmporium likes this.
  15. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    I WILL NOT give up until I beat my own record.
    I promise to have orgasm afterwards, but not to porn. And to stop using alcohol and caffeine FOREVER.

  16. MagoriumsEmporium

    MagoriumsEmporium Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that man. I've been stuck in a relapse cycle for awhile now. Get a few days, relapse, get a few days, relapse, it's getting super stale. I really want to know if my health will improve on a long enough streak, but I can't get there. My health has been terrible recently, maybe that'll be the push I need. You sound pretty determined yourself, hopefully we can put this thing behind us and break our current records. Best of luck to you
    BigBallOfFire likes this.
  17. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother. This thing is like a black hole. You go deep.... and no chances to recover until you hit the rock bottom. I am so tired of it.
    Yet, theres no other way. All the women want strong men. I need to become one.
  18. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Is IBS one the symptoms of A relapse? And weakness sorry jus need some help
  19. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    I don't know about IBS but weakness surely is. Keep on rebooting!
  20. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Oh ok thanks n yea I hear other brothers struggle wit IBS
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.