I wanna kill myself so bad... i relapsed long ago and didn't know?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by 123potatochamp, May 7, 2024.

  1. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    I still watching bikini and twerking, I'm only avoid pmo... I spend months watching all these and it counts relapse? So, certain degree i want to give up, and just going back to pmo, so I don't have to doubts about relapse.
  2. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I know this struggle is hard. One part of you wants to be free and another part just wants to give in. One part is convinced of the freedom and another part is convinced that porn is all you need. Brother, don't believe in lies. Chase the good. To appreciate the beauty in the women, you don't need porn, you don't need pictures. You need genuine conversations, you need a clean heart. You don't need to watch pictures of girls in bikinis.
    Do you have internet blocking options? There is an option to switch all the images off in your browser via settings. Perhaps that might help. You're doing already very good avoiding PMO. You're prooving us how strong you are. Now you have achieved that, you surely are capable of not watching those images anymore. Take heart and keep on fighting the good fight!
  3. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for the support also
    Do you considered those relapse?
  4. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    You're welcome! No, I wouldn't say that looking at those images counts as relapses. It's good you're staying away from porn and masturbation. Awesome!!! But I believe you can even do better. You don't need those images of girls in bikinis or videos of girls twerking. You're better of without those things. Make a new goal, to not watch those things anymore. What makes you want to watch those actually? Do you use them as a substitute for pornographic images?
    123potatochamp likes this.
  5. ChrisLearnsLoves

    ChrisLearnsLoves Fapstronaut

    it may help out a bit if you can get rid of desktop PCs and get a laptop and put it away for weeks at a time and only bring out when you really need it, get outside nature or a jog do anything else for long periods of time this is the key you will convince yourself you are better off without it.
    123potatochamp and Montfort like this.
  6. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    This doesn't sound like a relapse to me. Certainly not worth killing yourself over.
    123potatochamp likes this.
  7. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    I think i still watching those stuffs... Because there's nothing i could possibly do besides that... It has been lonely, perhaps u could say as it sub p... So, is jt still relapse?
  8. TheLastBattle

    TheLastBattle Fapstronaut

    I'm quite fascinated that only watching women in a bikini or twerking is making you wanna masturbate. If that were my case I couldn't have visited any beach during the summer because there will be many women in different bathing suits there, but don't see this as a judgment. We all have different imaginations and triggers.

    Hopefully this will ease with the time when you have rewired your brain even more. But if such content triggers you I would recommend that you keep as far away from it as possible.
    Montfort likes this.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut

    What we call "porn addiction" is a relatively new thing that pretty much was not possible and did not exist until the invention of High Speed Internet Porn, aka Tubes.

    Overcoming porn addiction is absolutely possible. Difficult, yes. Doable.

    Turning off a dopamine reward when you have a sexual thought---not possible. Are you watching bikinis to get a dopamine hit? Yeah. If you are not addicted to it, just recognize what you are doing and be self aware. Whether we love it or hate it, when we think of sex we get a dopamine hit, and we use porn to get that thought. I think the question here is: Am I addicted to that hit, or is it more like having a soda with lunch....we like it but we don't feel we have to have it.
  10. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    I'm no longer addicted to pmo... I just watched for the sake of short relief.
  11. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    It looks like you are avoiding hardcore-porn, which is great and you can't avoid soft porn.

    The problem is that your brain is craving for any easy dopamine, and soft-porn is the available option. It happens to me very often.
    Instagram, TikTok and TV, is full of woman showing their bodies for attention. It's hard to escape.

    Soft-porn does not count as a relapse and fucks your brain because you are still consuming easy dopamine.
    Gaming, social media, the news, youtube.... many of those channels will trap you.

    You need to stay away from your phone. We are used to grabbing the phone and doing everything while watching a short video, in your case, with hot bikini ladies and fitness influencers.

    Its your choice.