I'm a 6+ years Veteran of NoFap, and I'm presenting the Life Saviour NoFap Method.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by LifeSaviour, May 9, 2024.

  1. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    After years of experience on NoFap, I'm spreading my learnings, researches and experiences of NoFap. This topic is directed to anyone who wants to solve any side effects caused by pornography and masturbation, or people who are into the self improvement idea.

    What is the ''Life Saviour Method''?

    Since I started practicing NoFap in 2018, due to a severe porn induced erectile dysfunction, I made a lot of mistakes and had plentful of relapses due to naivety and scarce information. After weeks and months of trial and error, hours reading forums and watching videos about porn addiction, I created my own NoFap method. By following my own program, I did big changes in my life and achieved great goals.

    Based on Hard Mode and Monk Mode concepts, the Life Saviour Method is a way to directly hit the problems caused by PMO on your body. The excess of pleasure is responsible for sexual dysfunction, low libido, anxiety, depression, tire energy, and so on.

    Life Saviour Method is also a different approach on how to deal with PMO addiction. Instead of making the participant just sit down and wait X days to improve their sex life, this program will allow the fapstronaut to recover faster, have ''bigger benefits'' and a more pro-active reboot.

    How it works:

    This program is ‘’harsh’’ compared to Hard Mode and Monk Mode, but it’s the most rewarding one for the fapstronaut. Since the porn addictor brain is flooded with dopamine, this method will quickly detoxify the damage caused to the individual.

    Since this will clean your mind faster, you can start feeling the withdrawal symptoms still in the first week. This means your body will try to balance itself system faster, because you depleted the dopamine from PMO and your body can’t find a substitude for the big rush of pleasure.


    The rules are basically the same hard mode has. However, Life Saviour mode prohibits every sexual stimuli, even fantazising.

    - No sexual content (photos, videos, audio, books, sexting, memes, etc.)
    - No peeking or edging.
    - No Masturbation
    - No Fantasizing

    Also, in order to guarantee the fastest detoxify and recover, the fapstronaut will also need to cut other pleasurable things for their lives.

    - No social media
    - No browsing
    - No video games
    - No Netflix or TV
    - No junk food
    - No alcohol, cigarette or drugs
    - No gambling

    What should you DO while on Life Saviour Method:

    Pornography is destructive to the human brain, making your memory, focus and learning get worse by time. There are a few things you should incorporate to your routine to promove better cognition and restore your brain functions:

    - Regular exercise (at least 4 times a week)
    - Healthy eating
    - Reading books daily
    - Meditation
    - Outdoor activities

    Life Saviour method also recommends you to cut down computer and phone use to minimize the chances of triggering and relapses. When implementing the above activities, you will spend your time wisely and less prone to go back to old habits.

    Reward for a good week:

    If the fapstronaut did well on the entire week, Life Saviour method allow you to get a bit of pleasure in your weekend, but in a moderate dose. You can watch Netflix or TV, play video games or eat something that is not in your diet. However, it's still strictly prohibited going back to the other prohibited activities, since they’re truly bad for your body and mind, like alcohol, drugs, cigarrete, gambling, social media, etc.

    If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to comment in this post.
  2. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I think there is already a reasonable amount of rebooters living this lifestyle or at least attempting to - it is simply called "healthy living"

    It would be worth promoting this as a general well-being message to all.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  3. Lalalandboy

    Lalalandboy Fapstronaut


    Thank you for the advices

    How do you know that you're completely cured?
  4. Goodstreak

    Goodstreak Fapstronaut

    I'm a living proof that this actually works, as I've done all of this since March 17th. I call it "The Emergency mode" / State of Emergency, where you basically remove all triggers of stimuli (food, drinks, internet, activities, substances) and put yourself in an extremely disciplined state with exercising, reading, meditation, mindfulness, etc for a few weeks.

    My first week(s) was a burning hell; I got strong withdrawal symptoms and got really depressed (like suicidal). But I knew right then that it was necessary (and now when I think back on it, it actually gives you a advantage, because you'll end up associating PMO with hurtful withdrawals and depression = and you don't want to experience it again, so you don't reset anymore), and my brain bounced back around the 3rd week.

    However, I would also add caffeine to this list:emoji_point_down:
    Caffeine makes you really groggy and tired all the time, hence fatigue and bored, which makes you indifferent and capable to relapse.

    I would also add mindfulness to this list:emoji_point_down:
    Although it's close to meditation. When you train yourself to observe and analyze the urges (and triggers), aka "putting yourself over the ocean of thoughts", it gives you so much power over your addiction, because you learn how to deal with them instead of escaping them all the time.

    But people, really listen to @LifeSaviour and follow this recipe; I broke my old record from years ago and I have NO intention of going back.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  5. Steelflex

    Steelflex Fapstronaut

    Are you cured? If yes, how much time did it take you to be completely healthy?
    Lalalandboy likes this.
  6. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Great advice. I am certain that relapses for me are tied to various other poor habits and behaviour - internet/phone addiction, for sure, but even things like binge eating and spending excessive time alone.

    I think the actual list of 'vices' and 'virtues' are going to be personal to everyone. But your list is an excellent start.
  7. Some call this healthy living and others would call it asceticism.
    mentorr likes this.
  8. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    What's your current streak?
  9. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Originally I called this healthy living but I think you’re actually right, this is more like asceticism.
  10. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    This, ladies and gentlemen, we all need.
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
    LifeSaviour likes this.
  11. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    I think rewarding yourself with watching TV, video games is bad. Video games these can easily redirect you to porn and these activities can be addictive in themselves. While watching TV, you don't really know what's coming so it's better if we decide what we want to watch in advance and watch it on YouTube.
    Dave G 123 likes this.
  12. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    When you can achieve a full erection on sex without PMO. Also, if you have random boners and morning woods, it's also a recovery sign.
  13. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    Well, I don't drink or use any substance with caffeine, so I can't relate if it's bad or not for my body. However, I'm happy that someone follows the same strict rules and can proof it works fantastically well.
    Goodstreak likes this.
  14. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    Depends how addicted your brain is on dopamine and how well you execute this method. First time I did it I had a severe PIED and got my first boners in ~day 20. I noticed I was totally healed in day 40.
  15. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    I agree. However, for someone who got his body and mind totally destroyed in the past, it's the only way to feel human again.
  16. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    I'm doing this for so long I don't really remember. I just put my counter here in the moment I realized it exists.
  17. LifeSaviour

    LifeSaviour Fapstronaut

    That's why I only recommend doing it 3-4 hours a week. Some people can feel truly burned out and quit soon. I've been doing that for a long time and it doesn't affect me.
    Gorkhaliwarrior likes this.
  18. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I see lots of guys give advice on the internet who don't even have a 30 day streak. That's why I am asking.
  19. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    My last streak was 34 days. Don't worry, when you relapse, healing of your brain doesn't pass.
  20. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    That has not been my experience. I find that my healing is very limited unless I am able to maintain a long streak.