Why do I keep failing even when I'm happy?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Wilford_Cliff, May 9, 2024.

  1. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone.

    "And so far, there's been nothing foolproof that I've been able to discover; there's been no perfect formula, no key, no set path to follow that will guarantee my success."​

    I've been struggling with PMO for a few years now. I realized my behavior was truly addictive a long time ago, I admitted it. They say it's the first step in overcoming the addiction but I don't feel nothing about it. Anyways, that's a little off-topic. What I wanted to talk about is the fact that even when I feel happy, when my life actually is good, like even when I'm genuinely feeling good and everything is going well, I somehow manage to PMO or just MO anyway. Sometimes I don't even know why. And sometimes it ruins a happy day. Have you had similar experiences? I don't want to go into too much details to make it more generalized, but some of the reasons may be just the feeling of how it feels down there, especially when you haven't done it for a while. It gets "itchy" and maybe my brain reminds me how it feels when I do it. It also happens especially when I'm tired. Maybe you think it doesn't make sense - to exhaust yourself even more by PMO/MO but that's what happens quite often. Especially after the gym. I go home, wanting to lie down and rest, start changing clothes and then urges arise... The images engrained in my head after such a long repetition seem to be triggered so so easily.. I've had a few good streaks, but never achieved a 90-day mark. Lately I either go on for a few weeks only with occasional MO which SOMETIMES I consider not too bad, but then it changes with a period of binging (PMOing) often. Sometimes I feel like I'm powerless. It feels so demotivating to fail even on genuinely amazing days for seemingly absolutely no fucking reason. Have any of had similar experiences and cracked the code? I really need an advice here.
  2. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Here's the post where I got the quote from. I quite highly relate to it. Couldn't post a link for some reason.

    "The Worst Feeling Is Not Being Able to Trust Yourself" by wayneking259
  3. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    Have you considered filters? Like: https://ht-vector.com/ht-family-shield or even https://getcoldturkey.com/ or a DNS like https://cleanbrowsing.org/help/docs/setup-content-filtering-on-windows-with-cleanbrowsing/ ? This might be a helpful first step. Secondly, focus on other things than porn. Search for a fun activity every day (talking to a friend, go for a walk, etc.)
    Unfortunately there is no magic spell to end this in 0.3 seconds. But I know you can overcome this addiction! We're here for you. I'm rooting for you!
  4. zilean

    zilean Fapstronaut

    this is a valid feeling. If in your past one used pmo to calm down either from high anxiety or just for euphoria, your amygdala/core brain/survival brain has been conditioned to expect it for relaxing.

    To recondition, you need to redirect that need into something else like meditation, just sitting, or watching nature. Maybe it’s making a cup of tea and then just resting with no stimulus like YouTube, screens, or sounds.

    this resulting feeling is shame. comes from believing that you are a bad person for doing that again, you’ve lost all progress, or you’re not seeing the big picture with healing at the end.

    to reframe, you must count your wins along the way, learn from your relapses by taking an inventory of what got you there, and think big picture that you are on a journey. Perhaps daydream of what life would be like without pmo. Or daydream about the resulting feeling after you slip.
  5. annway

    annway Fapstronaut

    i have similiar experience. at first i use pmo for releasing my stress, but after some years i use it even in my happy or productive day. at that moment i feel i need some 'reward' and my brain just direct me to pmo, my usual and easy pleasure. but sometimes yes, i just feel want to do 'it' cause it has become a habit.

    i heard from dr trish leigh channel yt that there is a 'brain hijacker' in every pmo addiction, telling us that pmo is okay, pmo is normal thing, and make us have no control to ourself. but yeah we have to against it

    i recommend you this youtube channel (Dr. Trish Leigh) to learn more about how the addiction brain work. it helps me a lot, although i haven't success either in this proccess
    good luck!
  6. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Actually, speaking of filters. I do have Cold Turkey and it's working pretty good in general, but I can't find a free blocker for my Android since all the features I need are in paid apps (and couldn't even find a cracked version).

    As I said, even if I have fun every day, sometimes I just PMO/MO at some point of the day, there were cases where I even told myself that I don't really want it but it just happened...
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  7. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Can you tell me more details about this?
  8. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I will try.
    annway likes this.
  9. skybrowser

    skybrowser Fapstronaut

    I have experienced something similar. After pmo I usually try to find what the trigger was but there have been times where like you I felt good but still pmo'd anyway. It took me a while to realize that the problem was that my brain was would experience a deficit of dopamine at some point, so for example I could be spending the afternoon with my family having a nice time but then everyone goes home, my brain wants the dopamine flow to continue and since my family is not there it will switch to a source that it is familiar i.e. porn.
  10. Montfort

    Montfort Fapstronaut

    Have you considered switching to a "dumber" phone? Or perhaps ask a specialist to make some changes?
  11. I relate to this a lot. I used to binge PMO after having GREAT, positive, fun days with friends.
    The truth is, I think a lot of us here have a problem with sex addiction, not just "too much PMO."
    check out this self- survey and see if it applies:

    To an addict (like myself) there is no "off" day. Acting out is a way of life, its like grabbing chocolate ice cream when youre a diabetic. It is a mood regulator, good days and bad. Self-medicating.
    It's not easy to admit we have a problem like this, and I ran from it for many years until PMO gave me PiED. SAA meetings have been helping me a lot.

    I suggest journaling - write down your feelings. it helps SO Much to understand the triggers and patterns. Get out of the secret double-life with yourself and be honest with what youre going through. Keep coming back and posting here. It gets better my friend. We are here to help :)
    luxtorpeda and Montfort like this.
  12. zilean

    zilean Fapstronaut

    what @cleaningupmyact says here:
    If you are too ecstatic, either from doing a good thing or having a bad experience, your mind wants to regulate back to "neutral." Your neurons and brain wiring (see the getting started guide) has learned PMO as the regulation technique and made a very easy highway to automatically get there. You need to interrupt it and reroute the calming directions by trying new things that can bring you down.
    cleaningupmyact likes this.
  13. zilean

    zilean Fapstronaut

    You can try from the F-droid store, the Rethink DNS and then select the family filters as your choice. There's even more indepth filters to choose from. Then go into its app settings and put a password to open it so its just one more speed bump.
  14. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, this happened to me before. As far as I know there are a few reasons why this might happen.
    1. Your life isn't really going as great as you think. I don't say this to discourage you or demotivate you. Sometimes when we're addicted we look at life with rose colored glasses. Meaning, we put ourselves in problems that we don't have the power to solve and think everything is going to be okay. I look back at certain times in my life, when I thought I was on top of the world, but really there was a mountain waiting to fall down on me. There's a difference between optimism, and delusion. Journaling helps.
    2. Hypnotic suggestion from images. Be careful what you look at, even in your side vision, because it has an effect on your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, even subconsciously. This is something we don't appreciate enough. Maybe the things you're looking at are feeding a monster in your brain that will bite you from behind. Careful.
    3. Just not enough time. The mind is complex. There are many layers to it. It takes time to adjust to a PMO free existence. Years, even. Give yourself enough time and enough room to fail, so you don't get discouraged.
    zilean and Montfort like this.
  15. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    So what did you do? Did you find a solution? Fix?
  16. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    I have, but that does not pose itself as an option in my circumstances.
  17. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    I took the test and the term "sex addiction" seems to be more often than not related to a sexual intercourse, which is not the topic of this discussion. Anyway, I did answer "Yes" to a few of the questions. To be honest I don't couldn't extract any value from all this.

    How does journaling help? Are you saying you journal when urges arise? That does not seem easily doable for me.
  18. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    Interesting. I think I get it.

    Can you tell me in more detail how I can implement meditation in my life to replace PMO/MO? I haven't really done it before. Any other suggestions are also welcome.
  19. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    I spend some time exploring Rethink and to my surprise this seems like an actually good, working option. The problem I had with apps from the Play Store is that I could easily uninstall them. But now I found out that Android's built-in App Lock can prevent that. I set up a password, but I'll hold on to it for a while to make sure that filters work as I intend them to. Of course, App Lock is not unique to Rethink, so speaking of the app itself, it seems like a better option than Play Store in any case, since it's open-source and I easily configured it to my liking. I also tested out a few of my ways of searching, if you know what I mean. So far it's good. Although, I need to reconfigure Cold Turkey again since I found ways to avoid my filters. It's a pity there's a limit of entries in the free version.
    zilean likes this.
  20. Wilford_Cliff

    Wilford_Cliff Fapstronaut

    First one is definitely not the case. I genuinely have never been in a better place in my life, I've never been this happy. I'm finally happy to be alive.

    Second is real. I've come to this realization myself, I know how even minor triggers affect me, but it's nearly impossible to ignore them altogether, especially when I go outside. Sometimes it just happens against my will, it just happens. I get to see or hear something accidentally even if I didn't intend to. I guess the only option here is to just try to avoid the triggers as much as possible...

    Third is a mystery to me. Haven't had a streak longer than about a month in years. But it's complicated. Sometimes I just spend considerable amount of time only occasionally MOing, which sometimes does not feel that bad, since I consider P my major problem (although giving up PMO altogether would be perfect and of course preferable). Other times I might binge PMO for a few days, maybe a week (and amount of it varies), but I always "get up" at least to some extent after "falling."