Need help , about sleep and wake up early

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Badra123, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody,

    Need your help , any link or advice about sleeping and wake up early..

    Thanks in advance..
  2. Got to Overcome

    Got to Overcome Fapstronaut

    I'm no expert, but for a lot of years I went to bed at 9 pm and woke up at 4:30 am, so I'll share what worked for me.

    1. I'd say the most important thing is to not procrastinate. If you consistently put off school and work assignments, you're going to have to stay up late to finish them. The solution is to make sure to get everything done as early as possible.

    2. Accept that you're going to be miserable for a few weeks. I doubt there are many who actually want to wake up while it's still dark. It's not going to be fun, but your body will quickly adapt. Force yourself to do it for 2-3 weeks, and it will become routine.

    3. Fill your schedule. You need to have a reason to wake up. If you can just sleep for another two hours, you probably will. So plan out your time. For example, plan to pray/meditate from 4:30-5:00. From 5:00-6:00, plan to exercise. From 6:00-6:30, shower and get dressed. From 6:30-6:45, eat breakfast, and at 6:45, leave for work. The more full and clear the schedule, the harder it will be to rationalize sleeping in.

    4. Get a golden retriever. Kind of a joke, but I have one, and she's made it far easier for me to keep to my routine. The reason is that we'd walk every morning at 4:30. She was used to this, so as soon as my alarm went off, she'd be next to my bed, slapping her tail against my bed frame until I got up. Now, I'm not recommending you buy a dog unless it truly is something you want and are committed to taking care of it from now until it dies of old age, but the point is that having accountability helps. Perhaps find someone who is committed to exercising early in the morning. If you have a friend who goes out running every morning at 5 am, ask if you can join. The extra accountability might make the difference between sticking to a routine and falling back to whatever you were doing before.
  3. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately I don't have friends committed to wake up early so we encourage each other, anyway thanks for the advice, I'll try to make a morning schedule and follow the idea .

    Thanks :)
    Got to Overcome likes this.
  4. Any advice on sleeping and waking up early? An alarm clock, maybe? I literally just looked and I have 14 alarms every morning. Of course I forgot to set those alarms yesterday night. But waking up is cool bc yiu can do so many things is crazy
    Badra123 likes this.
  5. Some good advice from GottoOvercome. I would add:

    1. Have a bedtime routine that you follow the same every night. Routines cue our brains into habitual behaviors.
    2. Turn off electronics. Read a book instead.
    3. Have sex (with a person). Always helps me sleep.
    4. Get your gear ready the night before. Less worry.
  6. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Actually I'm working on this because I believe sleeping and waking up early would help me in my NoFap strategy.

    Thanks everyone will try hardly to apply this ..
  7. What has worked for me is the miracle morning routine and later customizing it to my own needs. There is a crash course available on and a whole book on it if you have not already come across them. In essence, to wake up early one must be excited to get up the next morning. There needs to be something that starts your day with zeal and enthusiasm.
    Also, in my experience, if you sleep with a gloomy state of mind waking up early the next day will require herculean will power. Try as much as possible at night right before going to bed to be excited about waking up the next morning.
    If you are excited about getting up early every day and have a routine scheduled it will be much easier than expected.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  8. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you , will continue with it looks amazing..
  9. Wolves

    Wolves Fapstronaut

    I go to bed at 8.30 get to sleep by 8.40 wake up at 4.20 everyday. How?

    1. Wear blue light blocking glasses 2 hours before bed, seriously helps a lot. Blue light is the most stimulating light

    2. Go to bed the same time every night and when you wake up, get up, no excuses and no going back to sleep.

    3. Take Magnesium Glycinate everynight

    4. Make sure you're eating plenty of protein, don't over do it, but a lot of amino acids help you sleep.

    5. Take L-Theanine Mid day, awesome nootropic

    6. Try sleep with minimal blankets, as sweating in the middle of the night is a common cause of waking up

    7. Workout in the morning and don't work out at night
    Single Palm Change and Badra123 like this.
  10. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    Set an alarm for waking up obviously. Put it in the room, but not right next to you. I just use an iPhone alarm, but I don't have it right next to me as it's loud as hell.

    And make sure you are in bed at least an hour before you intend to actually be asleep. Make sure you get the shit done you want to get done during the day, because otherwise it's going to be on your mind at night and stop you from sleeping potentially.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  11. Bale

    Bale Fapstronaut

    I'm planning on getting myself a sunlight simulator to wake up early during winter. I've heard a lot of great things about these. Perhaps you could give it a shot as well.
    Also I've found that having a morning routine written and displayed somewhere you can see it when you first open your eyes during the day is helpful to build the habit.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  12. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    I have woken up really early for the past 3 - 4 years (usually at around 4:30 - 5:00 AM, once I woke up at 3:00 AM, it's crazy). I started it long time ago, when I was doing exciting stuff, and it motivated me to wake up. Later on it just became natural for me, and I wake up without alarm clock, every day at 4:30 (sometimes even before that, so that I can enjoy sleeping in bed :D )

    The most important thing is to be motivated to wake up (at least for the first couple of weeks).
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  13. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks , will work on this
  14. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Amazing, I hope only to wake up one or two days early :) but can't :(

    My main main issue that I'm having big screen in my room and keep watching movies the whole night, and I only wake up at 9 or 9:30 then I go to work late and because I have fixable work hours i go home back late around 7 , then sit again in front of my TV watching :( ,

    last time I used to watch P at night , now I replaced it with normal tv programs but still can't fix the late sleep late wake up :( .....
  15. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    I think I should ask how to sleep early first ... Otherwise how to wake up early
  16. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    Well, you have to work on your willpower. Just turn off the TV at 9:00 and go to sleep. Low levels of willpower is an underlying problem of PMO addiction. And know that you can do it, you just first have to make yourself want to do it, otherwise it won't work.
  17. Badra123

    Badra123 Fapstronaut

    Oh my gosh, you want me to turn it off around 9 pm , man I keep flipping until 3 am , it looks my mind is moving the addiction form PMO to TV , or better to say it's a low willpower I need to work on to strength ..

    The funny thing I realized that MO used to help me relax, rest and fall asleep ، it used to be my insomnia drugs!! ..

    Anyway tonight is to win or die , I manage to go to bed around 11 and see how :(

    I'm sure there is some activities to do to help sleeping early but still don't know very well ...I'll try and error :(
  18. Bale

    Bale Fapstronaut

    It's going to take a few weeks to adjust to a different sleeping pattern. A bit like jetlag. Don't push yourself to changing too many things at once. A couple things that work well for better sleep are 1) all screens off 1hr before going to sleep 2) reading a book and/or writing in a diary or gratitudes for the day.
    Single Palm Change and Badra123 like this.
  19. TommoP

    TommoP New Fapstronaut

    Not sure if anyone has said it already, but if you live on your own or trust the people in your house. Leave all electronics (Except an alarm clock. NOT YOUR PHONE!) outside the room you sleep in. Period. Charge them in a different room or whatever. Have absolutely no interactive electronic devices in your room, ergo no distractions. If you have trouble sleeping, do five sit ups and read a book for 10 minutes.
    Badra123 likes this.
  20. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah. My phone is also in a place, where i cannot reach it in my bed. If i'm in bed, im sleeping, not texting or anything. That is really important. Also red screen filters help a little (look into the blue light filters). Although I use computer till I go to sleep, but I can fall asleep pretty fast (max 30 minutes).
    Badra123 likes this.